Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. lies above the water table. And responders will not be able to simply remove the contaminated soil – they will have to pump contaminated water out, which will draw more water into the area of the contamination. a. landfills. aquifer aquiclude porosity. The following statements explain why contamination of aquifers is dangerous. A. Although this may seem surprising, water beneath the ground is commonplace. They can stay in the ground for months before they flow into the groundwater. Groundwater contamination is almost always a consequence of human activity, although it’s possible that it sometimes occurs naturally – due to the presence of an unwanted or harmful element. These pollutants are absorbed by the soil and find their way into the aquifers underground, rendering them unfit to use. Groundwater makes up for about 20% of the world’s water supply. In most aquifers, the geological materials that make up the aquifer are relatively inert, or are made up of minerals that dissolve very slowly into the groundwater. Radionuclides can contaminate private wells through groundwater flow, waste water seepage and flooding. Unfortunately, a good amount of hazardous waste from households and industrial processes ends up in landfills or septic systems. Regardless of their position, they are subject to extreme corrosion because of the chemicals they contain. Salt water that remains in an oil well could contaminate overlying aquifers during drilling, during flow or pumping, or after abandonment. Diseases such as hepatitis and dysentery may be caused by contamination from septic tank waste. Landfills are the places that our garbage is taken to be buried. Storage tanks are large structures made to store oil, petroleum or gasoline. Stalactites and stalagmites in caves are composed of b. feldspar d. all of these c, gas stations c. calcited. 280 crns. lies above the water table. If the contaminants leak out and get into the groundwater, serious contamination can occur. Example chart of pH over time across three wells in a shared aquifer following an acid mine drainage contamination event. This distance represents only 0.39% of the drainage radius. Wildlife can also be harmed by contaminated groundwater. In most cases, groundwater pollution can be completely prevented. In some areas, that rock or sediment includes some minerals that c… Despite the slow movement of contamination through an aquifer, groundwater pollution often goes undetected for years, and as a result can spread over a large area. When the ice melts, the salt gets washed off the roads and eventually ends up in the water. Diseases such as hepatitis and dysentery may be caused by contamination from septic tank waste. May contain gasoline, oil, chemicals, or other types of liquids and they can either be above or below ground. © 2020 CROWDH – Kinstream Media Inc. – All Rights Reserved, Odds of Dying: Terrorists & Serial Killers Shouldn’t Concern You, Untangling the Mystery of Kim Jong-nam’s Murder, Space Politics: NASA Astronauts Returning to the Moon, Trashing Machu Picchu: The Cost of Mass Tourism. Hazardous waste sites can lead to groundwater contamination if there are barrels or other containers laying around that are full of hazardous materials. Which of the following can possibly contaminate an aquifer? Someone might wonder what a body of water underground needs protecting from. When it rains, these chemicals seep into the soil and contaminate the groundwater. There are estimated to be over 10 million storage tanks buried in the United States and over time the tanks can corrode, crack and develop leaks. To prevent these issues and to keep water consumers safe, we must understand what exactly pollutes our water resources and how to stop that. In the case where landfill waste is buried, all of the pollutants and harmful materials contained can leach into the groundwater through precipitation. C. Minuscule amounts of a pollutant can contaminate an entire aquifer. Drinking contaminated groundwater can have serious health effects. An undiscovered three week spill could contaminate a large three dimensional chunk of the Ogallala Aquifer nearly half a mile long. Groundwater can be used for drinking, as well as agricultural irrigation or central heating. When corrosion wears out the tank’s walls and leaks through the hole into the ground, it contaminates the existing groundwater and causes serious problems. Groundwater is gradually replenished by precipitation – the product of water vapor condensing between the rocks. Poisoning may be caused by toxins that have leached into well water supplies. What You Need to Know About Child Support in the Philippines, Security Theater: Safety is But a Feeling. For example, pesticides and fertilizers can find their way into groundwater supplies over time. Which of the following can possibly contaminate an aquifer? Groundwater pollution is caused by releasing chemicals, waste, oil, gasoline or any other byproduct of human activity in the ground. The contaminants are concentrated by the different densities of water in the aquifers. Reliance on ARARs simply postpones the necessary realization that the best that can be ac-complished at contaminated sites today is plume containment and contaminant Stalactites and stalagmites in caves are composed of . In the U.S. today, there are thought to be over 20,000 known abandoned and uncontrolled hazardous waste sites and the numbers grow every year. Groundwater is sometimes used as a secondary liquid because it absorbs Earth’s heat and can reach an average temperature of 30℃. Intrusion can affect the quality of water not only at the pumping well sites, but also at other well sites, and undeveloped portions of the aquifer. What is the term for a relatively impermeable geologic unit? Harsh chemicals that are poured down the drain, down the toilet, or on the ground can contaminate. A. pesticides B. industrial chemicals C. sewage D. All of the above. Fluoride can be helpful in preventing tooth decay. The waste is either burned or buried underground, both options being catastrophic for the environment. The deeper they are, the harder and costlier the excavation is. Water makes up for about 70% of Earth’s surface – this is a well-known fact. Needless to say, as a civilization, we largely depend on the existence of these aquifers. However, if there is no layer or it is cracked, contaminants from the landfill (car battery acid, paint, household cleaners, etc.) Pollutants are extremely stable once they contaminate an aquifer. Septic systems, especially in highly urban areas, are designed to safely and gradually dispose of human waste by leading it underground at a harmless rate. An aquifer is _____. (See Tables 1 and 2 and Figure 1.) 6. The larger amount of fresh water remains solidified (ice) or trapped underground and is often accessed using Aquifers. The contaminants are concentrated by the different densities of water in the aquifers. Natural activities of bacteria in ground water. a permeable rock unit that possesses a saturated zone. The continuous pollution and depletion of the aquifers should scare us, but more importantly, motivate us to preserve what is left of them. Groundwater contamination occurs when man-made products such as gasoline, oil, road salts and chemicals get into the groundwater and cause it to become unsafe and unfit for human use. Ground water can become contaminated from natural sources or numerous types of human activities. Contaminants reach the water table by any natural or manmade pathway along which water can flow from the surface to the aquifer. Onsite wastewater disposal systems used by homes, offices or other buildings that are not connected to a city sewer system. Your email address will not be published. Landfills are the places that our garbage is taken to be buried. Most countries have a number of regulations to ensure the safety of the aquifers. As shown in Figure 3, an aquifer can be contaminated by many things we do at and near the surface of the earth. In order to reduce the consequences to the highest extent possible, we need to balance the amount of water we pump from these aquifers. mercury. Such practices would prevent disposal Natural activities of bacteria in ground water. Add your answer and earn points. In addition, improper disposal of hazardous chemicals in garbage cans may contaminate. Residential, municipal, commercial, industrial, and agricultural activities can all affect ground water quality. The remaining contaminated part represents a distance of 120 crns. In most aquifers, the geological materials that make up the aquifer are relatively inert, or are made up of minerals that dissolve very slowly into the groundwater. can make their way down into the groundwater. Extends to the surface like other casing b. This means that it is extracted from the Earth, lead to a special heat exchanger where it is used to warm up another (work) liquid – water or antifreeze, that is afterward used in heating systems, industries, agricultural greenhouses, etc. No matter how many technical solutions we come to in the future, each one of us should take responsibility to implement them and contribute to the preservation of our water resources. The Groundwater Foundation is operated by the National Ground Water Association.