It is understood that 'reminders' were sent to bishops of two Italian dioceses in October 2014 because of the advertised presence of Medjugorje seer Vicka Ivankovic at two prayer meetings, and earlier this month a scheduled visit by Ivan Dragicevic to Mestrino in Padua was also cancelled following the CDF's intervention. Immaculate Heart of Mary Non-profit association law 1901 BP 10 071 86240 Smarves / France Thank you. Latest Medugorje Message, March 2, 2020 - Apparitions to Mirjana “ D ... (Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez, Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo, Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic, Ivan Dragicevic, Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti and Jakov Colo) - their photos, prayer intentions, witnesses, marital status, entrusted secrets, last daily apparitions. Vicka ensuite imposait les mains aux pèlerins , intercédait pour eux . Mystic Maria Simma: “I know that one of the visionaries of Medugorje has described seeing her own mother with Our Lady at different times, and that over the years her mother has become increasingly beautiful.” 10 Revelations from the great Mystic. Vous pouvez la retrouver sur leur site : Medjugorje Marian Pilgrimages . Or, lorsque les apparitions ont commencé , Vicka a demandé à la très sainte Vierge Marie d’où venait ces chapelets . Elle continue à avoir les apparitions quotidiennes. See the testimony of Vicka: "La Vierge donne sa bénédiction à chacun d'entre nouset prie pour chacun d'entre nous." Ivan Dugandzic: “The Antichrist is among us!…He wishes to define human nature anew. The other … The cup of sin is flowing, December 24, 2020 – Mary’s Daily Pearl – A Christmas Eve Message “Through prayer, love and sacrifice the Kingdom of God is in your hearts, then your life is joyful and bright.”, Fr. Vicka Ivankovic was born on September 3 1964. Des traductrices étaient  là pour assurer la traduction avec un haut-parleur . A travers elle Marie donne ses messages pour le monde. Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic est née le 3.9.1964 à Bijakovici, paroisse deMedjugorje. Vicka shares the messages she received many years ago. Receives Apparitions: Every Day Prayer Mission: Pray for the Sick Vicka is the oldest of the visionaries. Vicka est mariée, elle a un enfant et vit à Krehin Gradac près de Medjugorje. Marija: Comment from Youtube : “” This is just the beginning of the chastisements. © 2023 par Les Frères Smith. Cette maison est maintenant ouverte aux pèlerins et je m’y suis rendue moi-même . Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic’s public apparition in the auditorium of Terra Sancta College for Boys in Bethlehem on Sunday was attended by about 10,000 people with more standing outside. La Gospa lui a confié neuf secrets. ... Dec 31, 2020 . Quelle est l’histoire de ces deux chapelets ? By 2020, the time has already come and gone for the release of the full Fatima secret. ..Pope’s “Authoritative Interpreter” Sends Greetings to Youth Festival. Later on, having left a message for Vicka Ivankovic, the pair climbed up to Podbrdo—to collect the sheep according to Ivan Dragicevic’s testimony—and saw a vision. Elle a reçu neuf secrets . ÚVAHY. Medjugorje: “She found herself asking Our Lady for a sign” … MARY TV’s Miracle photo of the Blessed Mother. The visionary Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez had her regular annual apparition on June 25th 2020. Puis  Vicka a  témoigné  au village de Vionica , plus précisément à l'orphelinat de soeur Kornelija . She still has daily apparitions. The visionary Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez had her regular annual apparition on June 25th 2020. Vicka Ivankovic was born on September 3 1964. Comme chaque année, Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez a eu l’apparition annuelle de la Gospa le 25 juin 2020. Vatican Cardinals Heap Praise on Medjugorje . Selon le témoignage des voyants, Vicka, Marija et Ivan ont des apparitions quotidiennes, et Mirjana, Ivanka et … Vicka shares the messages she received many years ago. Il y a maintenant de longues pauses où Vicka ne parle plus aux pèlerins car elle souffre du dos et doit se faire soigner dans plusieurs hôpitaux de son  pays  mais aussi parfois en Italie . Mark Goring…Pray the THE CROWN OF TWELVE STARS PRAYER, Eucharistic Miracle in Mexico…Priest Receives Instructions from Mysterious Voice at 3:00 pm the Hour of Mercy…”surprised but convinced it was the voice of God.”. “Mary is the Woman from the future.” Medjugorje’s Fr. Vicka Ivankovic, Mirjana Dragicevic, Marija Pavlovic, Ivanka Ivankovic and Jakov Colo are said to have been with Dragicevic on that day. Medjugorje: A Pearl From Mary and the Daily Readings September 14, 2019 “With the love that comes forth from humility you will bring light to where darkness and blindness rule”, Medjugorje Today January 15, 2021 “I want to realize the secrets I started in Fatima” …”My children, as a mother I am speaking to you: only true love leads to eternal happiness. Surprised and scared, they did not approach. PevnejÅ¡í vo viere (Terézia Gažiová) 5 februára, 2021. Ils décident d’aller voir ensemble ce qui se passe. Vicka se moque sans même regarder vers la colline enlève ses chaussures et part en courant. Après avoir donné les messages principaux de la Vierge , Vicka prie également pour les pèlerins présents  mais en silence , parfois durant une heure . Voici ses propos : « Je Join Facebook to connect with Vinka Ivankovic and others you may know. As Milka Pavlovic's mother kept the twelve-year-old to help her in the garden, Vicka Ivankovic brought along Milka's sister, Marija Pavlovic, and ten-year-old Jakov Colo. (Milka experienced no further apparitions.) Yes, the Virgin Mary still appears daily to Marija Pavlovic, Ivan Dragegivic, and Vicka Ivankovic. Often we accept the message, we begin to live it, but then we get tired and we remain the way we were before. Sa mission est de prier pour les malades. Elle est l'aînée des voyantes . Comme il n’était pas habituel d’avoir de tels chapelets à l’époque , Vicka et sa famille ont demandé aux villageois  à qui ils pouvaient bien appartenir . Satan’s Century – The Mysterious Medjugorje connection…THE VISION OF POPE LEO XIII: Powerful Video, Video: The Virgin Mary appears on hillside in Medjugorje (Seven minutes into video) “Medjugorje will soon be the most important Marian site on planet earth.”, Medjugorje: Mirjana – “The permanent sign will make people shake…It will be beautiful and indestructible, It is not something built and assembled.” Detailed comments about the “third secret”. Vicka is one of three who still sees the Blessed Mother every day. Vicka: Dear friends ,for me it’s a big joy to greet you even through the phone ,you know that you are always always in my prayers I always entrust you to Our Lady And pray for all of your intentions !Do not fear corona this too shall pass ! Our Lord sees and provides ! On June 24, 1981, at about 6pm, six young parishioners from Medjugorje: Ivanka Ivankovic, Mirjana Dragicevic,Vicka Ivankovic, Ivan ... 2020. Je vous joins quelques photos extraites de cette vidéo . Marija Pavlovic et Jakov Colo les ont rejoints. ”. En  ce temps spécial où les pèlerins ne peuvent se rendre à Medjugorje , des guides de Medjugorje ont reçu une grâce spéciale pour le 13 mai 2020 , date de l’anniversaire de la première apparition de Notre-Dame à Fatima . Ivan was close to them, having been picking apples nearby with another Ivan, Ivan Ivank-ovic, a twenty-year-old local man who later dissociated himself from the visionaries because he disapproved of their behavior.