This covers important aspects of deploying updates such as collection structure, maintenance windows, automatic deployment rules (ADRs), deadlines, and … As of SCCM 1802, it is possible to configure Automatic Deployment Rules’ deployment with a defined day offset from Patch Tuesday. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File “E:_TMPSet Maintenance WindowInvoke-MaintenanceWindows.ps1” -CollID1 P01000AB -CollID2 P01000AC. SCCM WSUS Cleanup – Fix SCCM Scan Timeout Errors, INSERT INTO #results(Col1) EXEC spGetObsoleteUpdatesToCleanup, BEGIN SET @msg = 'Deleting ' + CONVERT(varchar(10), @var1) + ' Remaining rows:' + convert (varchar(10),@count), RAISERROR(@msg,0,1) WITH NOWAIT EXEC spDeleteUpdate @. I would recommend to re-think the product/classification which is needed, rest you could unselect the same. Check in the log file UpdateDeployment.log on an SCCM client, and you will see the following if the machine has maintenance windows configured: Make sure to abide by the following best practices for SCCM maintenance windows: When deploying Software Updates to servers, you most likely want to do this during non-office or low-production hours. When you have SCCM secondary servers or remote SUP servers, you might have installed WSUS DB on Windows Internal Database. Additionally, you may want to decline superseded updates in the WSUS server, so it helps your clients scan more efficiently. This step is the fourth step toward the cleanup of SCCM WSUS Maintenance. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. WSUS DB can be installed either on SQL Server or Windows Internal Database (WID). Yes, you can configure different deployments with different deadlines for Software Updates. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You have entered an incorrect email address! Maintenance windows have precedence over deadline times. The service window should be the only time when software updates are applied. Out of band, or Critical Patches are deployed during the month as required. It is possible to configure maintenance windows on the following objects: Why would you deploy maintenance windows, you might ask? Theoretically, you could deploy all software updates to all devices and then configure installation time using maintenance windows. It will delete any obsolete or OLD update from the SUS DB. Due to this above steps, most of the time clients fail to complete the scan due to timeout errors or unable to load the catalog file. If I want to deploy the patches on the weekend, one week after Patch Tuesday, it would be reasonable to configure the Maintenance Window to be available on the 3rd Saturday and 3rd Sunday. Once done, it will give you a list of updates that are superseded. 12 days it looks like… Will et start over, if i terminate the script, or will my database be damaged ? It’s recommended to follow all the steps. Here are the benefits of this deployment method of the cleanup script, over say something like Group Policy Scheduled Tasks or BigFix scheduled script: A Configuration Baseline can be targeted at a dynamic device collection containing all the SCCM site servers in the hierarchy. Step2: Configuration manager admin creates virtual application packaging and replicates to selected Distribution Points. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The catalog file size also increased every time post the SUP sync with Microsoft. These three tasks are explained in the below sections of the post with more details. However, some tasks, like Delete Aged Discovery Data, affect information that is available in all sites in a hierarchy. If a device is a member of a device collection with an active maintenance window, all installations will. If I configure that it should be available every 2nd Saturday or 3rd Saturday, it is not the same every month. sitectrl.log: ... Records information about setup and recovery tasks when SCCM recovers a site from backup. After that run another command as > .\SupersededUpdates.ps1 -UpdateServer -Port, 7. Smsbkup.log: Records details about the site backup activity. Also the script calls Set-MaintenanceWindow.ps1 and not Set-MaintenanceWindows.ps1, I removed the s from the PS1 name and it worked fine. Maintenance Tasks. Many organizations use maintenance windows in SCCM as part of their Software Update deployment strategy. Add the Windows service account to the pre-defined SCCM maintenance window role. So I believe it should be “spgetobsoleteupdatesTOcleanup”. Hi Erling, Based on your updates, it will take time to clean up the Obsolete update. Read more about it here: The SCCM Site Maintenance Tasks have a built-in task you can enable to do this but you can also download Ola Hallengren’s SQL Server Maintenance Solution which is a cool SQL script that you can use to perform this and the script also comes with some pretty handy solutions for DB backup and integrity checking.