Green tea may reduce one’s risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 33% as well as prevent obesity and slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease (9). Cancer may also be triggered by infected teeth.Rau claims that 97 percent of the breast cancer patients between the ages of 30 and 70 tested at the Paracelsus Academy in Switzerland, where he is medical director, were found to have “a root canal … Still having ear pain and problems. I have a tooth that requires a root canal and I am so conflicted- should I just have it extracted or can a root canal be performed by an IAOMT dentist without adverse effects? Consider the following care tips to improve oral health: (9, 11, 21). My doctor said I had Neuropathy. 0 thank. So, I made a dental appointment. The infected nerve is removed and replaced with a filling substance called gutta percha. Is it wise to go ahead and do a root canal? Dr. Price posed the theory that root canals can endanger the body, both near and far, by promoting disease. In years following his research the World Health Organization (WHO) would also begin to question the relationship between oral health and whole body function (15). These dentists are trained in natural strategies to help you remove root canals and improve your oral health. In severe cases where treatment is futile your tooth could be removed. Your email address will not be published. I would recommend consulting with a holistic dentist to help you understand your unique risks. But, there are probably more people out there who have had bad dental work performed on them resulting in very poor root canal work, and then you could expect issues down the road ranging from mild to the very extreme. I already have health issues,: scoliosis, bulging and degenerate on L4,5,6, and other problems not solved yet. Ok, I’m fasting! The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. This image-rich 42 page, research based guide will show you the best strategies and protocols to: Register for free today to get instant access! You can also visit the Holistic Dental Association to view the dentists’ profiles and learn about the services they provide (2). A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected. Most people try to avoid dentists and hygienists as much as possible. I am a health coach but I think you have to be careful about scaring people. ago and it has remained tender even after several x-rays, a new crown and routine cleaning. The practice of oil pulling may sound unappealing but is a very simple practice that is claimed to cure headache, asthma and is a remedy for bleeding gums, dull senses including taste and vision, sore throat, and tooth decay. My long term health is worth it. I’ve been eating well and supplementing wisely for years now, but I still can’t lose that last 30 pounds, and I still don’t feel 100% well yet. If I pull them how long does it typically take before people tend to feel better? What is your take on implants vs. dentures, Dr. Jocker? Learn how your comment data is processed. Did having the filling replaced work at calming the nerve like you were hoping? This is so frustrating because I’ve always taken good care of my teeth and just had poor dental work done! Do you think the root canal be the cause of my health problems even though I have no pain or swelling? The true misunderstanding and illogic here is that this statement is always true. (7, 11). If a doctor uses more filling than required, there is an increased likelihood for bacteria to penetrate the seal and develop into another tooth infection. Digestive problems are immune problem, because 90% of our immune protection is located in digestive system. I’m sure they’re linked, has this happened to anyone else? Either that or a dental implant depending on your finances. The Dangers of Root Canals. I have since had another root canal, 3 yrs. Dr. Price’s research team found that implanting an infected tooth from a human to another animal would cause the same systemic complications to the animal in which the human was suffering (7). Please read the Privacy Policy carefully before you start to use