While holding the A variant of Puncher Weaving, you can press 6K or 4K to cancel to Puncher Vision to slip through projectiles and chain right back into Weaving thanks to Vision being cancellable to Weaving. Your inputs should actually look like this: This is not something that is unique to Street Fighter, King of Fighters, or modern fighting games. Arcade, Survival, and other "casual" modes in fighting games are zero-stakes playgrounds. There is a myriad of ways to approach your opponent and apply pressure or convert stray hits into devastating combos. By far, some of the worst advice I've ever seen given and it frustrates me to no end every time I hear a newbie ask what to do about their execution and then be given this as an answer. This throw will toss your opponent in front of you. The motion used will be the exact same projectile arc regardless of which button was pressed. MAX Timer Meter: When entering MAX-mode by pressing B+C, a small meter will pop up above the super meter and begin slowing draining. Note: There is currently a bug in practice where the counter-hit doesn't always cause (CW) to happen. - One of Geese's catchphrases that he says whenever he parries something. Move List and Guide (NEO) by IceQueenZer0 10 months ago | 87KB Short Move List by Moriya v.1.021 | 2005 | 53KB Move List and Guide (Incomplete) by Genji Masamune v.0.10 | 2002 | 71KB Go into arcade and just play for a bit. As for basic throws, there are two types of basic throws and they are mechanically the same for every character. As promised, let's look at and share some memes. There are also command overheads like Kyo’s 6B that will hit a crouching opponent so protect your dome! Pick your anchor or point character first and build the team around them. There are a lot of phrases that we tend to hear over and over from commentators that become battlecries for the character they're associated with. And you'll see that kind of forethought in most of the move lists in this game. ", I believe this originated from one of my personal favorite commentators, Hellpockets. Try them all out! If you can score a counter-hit however, they can be followed up with anything. 236P: One of the more unique projectiles in the game, Joe will unleash an uppercut so fierce that it summons a hurricane. Advanced players should make a point to nail this as it's great 0 meter damage. It’s especially true when you have a friend you’re getting better with. Let’s take Blue Mary for this one as I’m sure you’re tired of Kusanagi by now. 236P: Her projectile can actually be charged by holding whichever button you pressed. While there are some attacks that will leave you in hard knockdown, a state where you are not allowed to quick recover, most attacks will allow for a quick recovery so make sure you’re getting back on your feet as soon as possible! You can tell which of your command moves can be special canceled by going into your move list (in training mode you need to press Select to enter your move list) and seeing which moves are labelled (SC). When you pick up Guilty Gear, you shouldn't be fussing with Roman Cancels. In this state, a Super Special Move can be used without consuming a Power Gauge stock. Todos os secretos de the king of fighters 2002 duration. I'm going to link to some resources for getting involved and finding matches, deeper resources into game mechanics, places to find more tidbits about the series' lore, as well as a few memes that even a hermit crab like me is aware of. It really does help. Control can mean anything from a disorienting mixup gameplan to an oppressive zoning approach. Neo geo kult guide kof 2002. 2~8C: Here's something you don't see every day. Meter gain is very fast in this game so don’t sit on your meter or hesitate to spend a bar if doing so would get you out of a bad situation. - Another big super, this time Shen Woo's. This move can be extended further by mashing whichever punch key you used to activate it making it a really easy anti-air! Counter-Wire (CW): Counter-Wire is a unique mechanic in KOF where some moves gain special properties when they manage to net a counter hit. In addition, game dynamics and character skills have been redesigned. But before you get confused by the many, many variants, there's an easy way to break them down. Leona wears bombs on her ears and throws them at people. 236236P: This super can be held simply by holding the key you pressed to do it! Don’t worry, I’ll explain what everything means and there will be a cheat sheet above the Characters section for reading the move list notations! Though blocking can be beaten with a good mixup between lows and overheads, being thrown out of block, or by having your guard meter depleted, it is still arguably your best defensive option and the one you should fall to most often. To perform an Offensive Cancel Roll (OCR), simply tap the roll command (A+B) as you hit your opponent with a normal attack. I am talking about KOF 2002 … Cross-Up: All jumping attacks. THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2002 UNLIMITED MATCH. FREE steam games. Running in KOF is slightly momentum based. Mar 7, 2015 @ 8:25am KOF 2002 UM SOUND ISSUES The music and sound just shuts off when I play the … Great for dropping over top of your opponent after knocking them down. It covers a huge chunk of the screen and forces your opponent to respond. The King of Fighters 2002; Table of Contents; How to play. Guard Cancel Roll: This costs 1 super meter and is done by pressing the normal roll command, A+B, while you’re blocking. 3D: This command normal also launches! Lows: Lows or “low attacks” are moves that your opponent must crouch block in order to protect themselves. And, of course, a special thank you to SNK for making the many, many games I spend way too much time obsessing over. Let's say you play Zangief. This would mean "Let the close 5C only hit once before cancelling to the next step.". During MAX Activation, the player's offensive and defensive strength is increased for a short period and can cancel any attack into another player. Well, you actually don't ever have to do that full motion. - This is in reference to Daimon's final super being one of the only instances where he opens his eyes. If c5C is blocked, your opponent still needs to block the low! To preface all this, character types are not static and they can change depending on play style and preference. The mighty c5C: While KOF generally follows the conventional wisdom of having weak, fast lights and slower, far-reaching heavies, there is an exception in close 5C. This only works with specials that are tied to the B or C button and the game may give priority to your C special so it can take some experimentation to find which works, but you can often just look to see which specials on B or C would normal work as a combo and use them. Find me on twitter at https://twitter.com/Play_More_KOF. While there are some restrictions, most moves can free-cancel and you can do a lot of wild and fun things with this! Editor's note: This section was taken directly from my other KOF 2002 guide as I just didn't feel like I could explain it any better than I already had. Let’s first look at those buttons and what they each do on their own. And going. 236D•D, 63214B, 236A xx 63214A xx A - Now we're tying all of our command moves together. If you're not familiar with the term "anti-air," it just refers to a type of move that is very good at hitting opponents while they're in the air. You can see this in your move list with moves that are marked (CW). Those are "control" and "momentum." (Technically it's a tornado, but don't tell Joe. There are a couple kinds of cross-ups in KOF. Hmm, there seems to be a shared pattern between those two moves. Daimon is a great anchor as he is not quite as threatening when he doesn't have meter, but with meter he can end a character in two hits. In addition to being able to continue combos after some throws, KOF allows you to combo into command throws! If you're in MAX-mode and your opponent is in the corner, input 6236B+C and Terry will perform the first hit of his Power Dunk and immediately cancel into Round Wave. Properly understanding and utilizing these principles is more important than just picking the top tiers you found on some list in a forum. There are several types of characters that do well here, but there's some general themes. Hyper hops are very fast and can cover a long distance to catch up to your opponent after you knocked them down while hyper jumps can cover almost the full screen making any opponent just one jump away from closing the gap. Normally, when you hit an opponent, you get pushed back away from them, but MAX-cancelling actually stops that pushback. It is an unreasonable expectation of yourself or anyone else to expect to complete a combo challenge series without first being familiar with that character's move list. That’s the first half of why this works. The largest character roster … So, the way we’re going to do this combo is we’re going to hit c5C, then 6A, but keep holding that 6. Most crouching kick moves are lows and there are even some command moves that hit low. Let’s look at Kusanagi, one last time. The SNK Wikia has become the ultimate source of SNK lore. All the Desperation Moves in KOF 2002 UM can now be cancelled anytime via the “MAX Mode” system. 2C xx 214B xx 236236K (keep an eye on your combo counter. There are even more out there, but we don't have the time to sit and list them all today. Weaving is an open threat, begging your opponent to make the mistake of trying to zone her out. If you ever played SFxT and remember Jin's projectile, Shermie is where that concept came from! 41236K: This will automatically break the opponent's guard so you can think of it kind of like a throw more-or-less. An example would look like c5C(1) xx special. Great poking tool! Goose Howard - Okay, so maybe one, very prominent joke can be made about that name. I unfortunately couldn't find footage of a match with the Clarkinator alive and present, but hopefully one of you readers might know of one and can send it to me on Twitter so I can add it here. When running, you’ll approach your opponent very quickly, but you will be more vulnerable to being hit as KOF does not low you to instantly switch from running to blocking! This is called a MAX-cancel and costs two meters to perform. From this point forward we’ll be referring to our buttons by these keys. Play in them. They’re performed by doing the jump-in and aiming to land slightly behind your opponent. Performed by pressing C+D (simply notated as CD), these can be executed in the air or on the ground with the ground variant being cancellable. from the Marvel community. Truly emblematic of the struggle of trying to fight Daimon. Based on the KOF NESTS compilation originally released only in Japan, the game offers the series’ largest selection of characters as well as an all new soundtrack and enhanced graphics. Instant delivery 24/7. Anchor characters generally benefit from having meter more than other characters so it becomes advantageous to put them on the end of your team to guarantee they have meter when they come into battle. There’s two main ways to combo into MAX-mode and while we will primarily focus on the easier of the two, I will cover how to do both. That's it. So, to finish, we're going to do Kyo's light rekka. Once you've initiated a run, you can rock your joystick down towards the 3 position in order to start charging a 2~8 charge move like Terry's Rising Tackle while still continuing to run. Firstly, that name. The game balance has been carefully retuned for the addition of new moves and recovery moves, making KOF 2002UM a heated battle on your Xbox 360 that never stops! The game has 66 characters in total, making it the series' largest roster. c4C xx 4B xx 4~6D (You can see when we started holding 4 with close C). This has two really big uses. Select by Holding Start when you select Kensou. The cancel window is as his elbow hits the opponent. ‍♀️. Dream Cancel is one part community hub with their Discord that serves to link people up for online matches, share community news they've posted to their site, and, of course, share memes. If your health meter ever gets low enough to change red, you will have access to your character’s most powerful, secret super. The characters will be organized by team but if you're looking for someone in particular, you can press CTRL+F and type their name in to be taken right to them. This throw tosses your opponent behind you allowing you to switch sides of the arena with them. This is your first character on your team and arguably your most important because the first round is where heath and meter advantages are first established. King of Fighters 2002, The. MAX-mode is somewhat advanced so I won’t be covering it in detail here. It also gives you the opportunity to punish things that aren’t normally punishable. When KOF XIV came out, I would use Survival mode to practice individual characters and converting combos. Long story short, during the days of KOF XIII, Clark was a bit of a hype monster and Hellpockets, for some reason, decided to merge Clark with the, uhh, Terminator? They can be a really stylish way to end a combo or the last hit you needed to close out the round! And as a rule of thumb, your close variant of 5C (notated with a lowercase ‘c’ before the input as in c5C for example) will be one of your fastest moves and is often where your combos will start. Foreward This is everything I have. It will do so much for you that you would never think of. Foi lancado em 10 de outubro de 2002 para. half-circle back B, half-circle forward C if you're still getting used to numerical notation. Vanessa can do some follow-up attacks out of them as well by pressing towards and A or C during the dash. This is just how this team in this order's dynamic flows. The tools I will lay out here, once practiced, will allow you to clear any execution hurdle ever thrown in front of you. Each are performed with the 236 motion and have their own strengths and weakness so play with them to learn how you'd want to use each one. This is the last section of the guide and I've dedicated it to helping newcomers get started with any character they're interested in. This form is often called Orochi Leona. Normally this is impossible, but there are some moves that are able to hit the opponent even in this state! Let's look at a solid Kyo corner combo that even top players use and see how we can make it easier for even the newest player to learn. How many lows does your favorite character have available to them? Special thanks to @nothingxs for the clarification of how we got to calling the move "taco." Moreover, all of the characters featured in the series between The King of Fighters '99 and The King of Fighters 2002 are included with the exception of K9999, which is a character conceived as a pastiche of Tetsuo Shima from the manga Akira. 421K: This move can catch people off guard, but keep in mind that it's not an overhead! 41236K: Another command throw that launches! 2369K: Possibly one of the easiest super commands in KOF, this can be used as a heavily damaging anti-air. Guard Cancel Blowback: The Guard Cancel Blowback (GCBB) costs 1 meter and is performed by pressing C+D while you’re blocking. Sections to review from the execution guide Aim for the waist Double tap Break it down Sections to review from the KOF02 primer King of Fighters is a TEAM game Teams in practice Classic sensibilities in the modern age of fighting games In an era of simplificati, Notice: This guide assumes a certain degree of knowledge from you, the reader. Though it may look like a dodge and it does technically have some upper body invincibility, that invincibility is very limited and any attack that doesn't hit high will still smack you. Most will only hit as cross-ups but are very powerful tools for keeping the pressure on. Like the previous games in the series, the Power Gauge is filled as the player attacks the opponent or performs Special Moves during a battle. Desperation Moves. Just be mindful that both versions whiff crouching opponents! Beside new stages and artwork, the game also includes additional characters as well as changes to the team roster, with the number of default teams increased to 18, counting both the regular and alternate versions of the Orochi Team. Try this a few times until you feel like you can get that beautiful spinning punch to hit with some consistency. It's not that the AI was somehow the perfect level to make me some EVO champ, but there's value in being able to just consistently hit something and then convert that hit into a combo on a moving target. If you're a Marvel player, then some of these terms will be familiar, but let's talk about a few different types of characters. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2002 UNLIMITED MATCH > General Discussions > Topic Details. Don’t fret as her j.D works great for normal jump-ins. Once you have this down, just tie-in that c5C so you're starting your combos clean and you're ranked match ready! One of the things that's unique to KOF is that even if you win, while you're not allowed to change your characters, you can change your order. The producer of The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match, Neogeo Hakase, advised advanced players to use K' stating that once the player had learned how to control him, the character would become very strong … Mixup heavy characters are best here as they don't require much meter to do damage and they revolve around a fast-paced play style that can fluster your opponent and allow you to start the set with momentum. Most airborne attacks are considered overheads though there are some airborne command moves (a move that requires some kind of motion in combination with a button to perform) that are not. There is only one way to combo into it that I'm aware of, but even without being in MAX-mode, Round Wave is one of a select few moves that is always allowed to be free-canceled for, uh, reasons? This is a compilation of move lists of Leona Heidern. This is important as this makes every match a blind order pick. Note that you need to be down to your last 25% of health before you can perform this super. And remember, the cancel of the run is actually super cancellable in itself so you can run up to your opponent and cancel the run right into his throw super if you're feeling wild. Instant download. While Andy is performing the command grab, just hold forward. Yes, the site really has always been that red. And I am someone who can do those big, ridiculous HD combos in KOF XIII. It might be a little different than what you're used to as I tend to notate a lot of minute details like how many hits of a multi-hit move hit before cancelling, cancels vs links, and other minutia that can get lost in the details as I find these are often the things people get stuck on when trying to learn combos, not the timing itself. This can be scary in neutral, but the way you perform it is actually really simple. KOF 2002: magic plus 2 is a fan edited version of KOF 2002. This is a compilation of move lists of Vice. Teleports: Athena has a couple teleports. Dodge! Throw one out and make them come to you. I know, might seem a little cheesy to link to a wikia, but you have to respect the work people have put into them!! If you're going to do low forward, fireball to super, you will never need to do the full super motion. Every technique, trick, and piece of execution wizardry I've picked up over the last decade of playing and loving fighting games with every fiber of my being. The king of fighters (also known as KOF) is a fighting game franchise developed by SNK playmore. 1 The King of Fighters '96 2 The King of Fighters '98 3 The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match 4 The King of Fighters 2002 5 The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match 6 The King of Fighters Neowave 7 The King of Fighters XIII 8 The King of Fighters XIV 9 Capcom vs SNK 10 Capcom vs. SNK 2 11 Trivia Throws Deathblow - near … This character is kind of good. To complete the link, just link a c5C and then definitely @ me on Twitter so I can be a proud KOF mom. We’ll also be using KOF notation. A really mean way you can do this is by having a support battery on 1st to build meter for a buried anchor in 2nd to execute the traditional gameplan of an anchor early and burn all that a meter for mad damage, then leave your point in 3rd to clean up any characters your anchor failed to beat using the same low meter gameplan as you would normally use when your point character is in your 1st slot. The PlayStation 2 version also includes a port of the original The King of Fighters 2002 Neo Geo version. The Critical Counter, Deadlock (clash), and Guard Attack mechanics of XII were abandoned for the new Hyper Drive System, plus the addition of EX specials and Desperation Moves, including "level 3" Neo Max DMs. I want to put a short section in here just to clarify and demystify some aspects of the process of "getting good" and this is going to be advice that is true for all fighting games and not something unique to KOF 2002 UM. Close the gap for your command throw with this! Rather than give an example now, let's wait until we get down to Simplifying Super Cancels just a few paragraphs below this. Characters like Maxima and Daimon get a lot of mileage out of counter-wire so I'll include some counter-wire combos below for them. The second title in the UM series is a fully upgraded version of KOF 2002, a masterpiece of the KOF series deserving of a place honor along with KOF ’98. 236D•D, 63214B, 623C - Just like last time, we're just practicing following up with anything, but this time we've added the launcher so it's gotten a little more complicated. Kusanagi has the unique chain, c5C xx 3D and he can cancel that to 63214B for solid damage. For example, you can Kusanagi’s 63214B into his 236D, but you cannot go backwards from his 63214B to 6B for example. Read the Basics of KOF and Teams section once over, then jump to the characters you care about and just play around for a little while in practice. Here’s how they did it. So make sure you're capable of cancelling that normal to his launcher. Your character will perform a completely invincible, near-instant reversal attack that will knock the opponent to the opposite side of the screen. Don't be afraid to use less conventional characters in this position as an opponent's unfamiliarity is your gain. Auto-Guard: Auto-Guard is a trait certain normal and command moves can have where they are not invulnerable, but rather can absorb an attack by instead taking the damage to their guard meter. Every game has shortcuts for motions. The King of Fighters Neowave ; The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match ; The King of Fighters NESTS Collection; Appendices. 236B will move her about a half-screen towards the opponent, 236D will move her a fullscreen towards the opponent, and 214D will feint the fullscreen version. Support characters most often exist to compliment your point or anchor. But to make it even better, c5C xx 3D is another unique chain meaning if c5C hits, you get a 2-hit combo and knockdown. Launchers: A launcher is a type of move that, well, launches your opponent into the air for follow-up attacks. I'd like to give a special thank you to Code Mystics as their net code patch was the impetus for this massive guide, my wife who helped check many of the combos to be included in this guide, Dream Cancel for being one of the only sources I was able to use to cross-reference some of the characters I was less familiar with, El Matador for sending me the Daimon animation as I wasn't able to find a copy of, and Fighters Generation for being the only reason I ever stumbled across this game almost 15 years ago. Ramon is able to cancel at the wall to a series of diving approaches, some throws, some attacks, as well as cancel the run to try to trick his opponent into uppercutting. It costs 1 bar and while in MAX-mode you gain access to the following: Charge moves won’t need to be charged in combos - A seldom spoken of feature of MAX-mode, but one I think a lot of newcomers might enjoy is that so long as you’ve started an attack, you can just enter the motion for the charge move without ever having to charge it! Many characters have an overhead on 6A or 6B so try it with your character and see! I do this a lot to people. (In order to get the super to hit, you need to hold the punch button for a bit, then release as they come back down towards you!). 2141236A+C: This super allows you to hit many more times by mashing the punch keys as quickly as possible. Just keep in mind that this is not an overhead. 828282B+D: So, Leona can fall victim to the Riot of the Blood, a sign of someone who bears some of Orochi's power. c5C xx 236D•D, 63214B, 236A xx 63214A xx A. Hops: While hops are no longer unique to KOF, I would encourage you to take a few minutes to learn about hopping in KOF, even if you are familiar with hops from another game as no other game does hops quite like KOF does. This move is also (CW) which means tossing them out in neutral to try to catch stray buttons can turn into devastating punishes. This is one of the most effective positions to have a battery because of how advantageous it can be to have meter advantage with your anchor. It's like walking into a dungeon and being jumped by the boss. In KOF 98, you saw the results called KOF 98 Ultimate Match. From quotes pulled out of 20 year old interviews, tidbits buried in system-exclusive manuals, and great story synopsis to choose from, you can spend hours just reading through and enjoying all of the extensive lore from SNK games long past. 214K: Earring Explosive is just what it sounds like. And if they don't know who your anchor is, they may mentally fatigue as they'll assume you're much better at the character you've shoved in your 3rd slot than this supposed "point character". Now it's a no brainer that another KOF Dream Match remake would get created and I mean a real remake and not that half-assed but still good job called KOF Neo Wave for KOF 2002. This can be used to your advantage though as a slow moving fireball can be a great pressure tool as you'll recover before it reaches your opponent and be given some time to follow up behind it as it covers your approach! The King of Fighters 2002[a] is a fighting game produced by Eolith and Playmore for the Neo Geo in 2002. Based on THE NESTS CHRONICLES, 2002 UM includes the most characters of any title in the KOF Series, and fighting game history as well! I'm not sure if there's any one source of more memes in King of Fighters than the Southtown terror himself, Geese. They will often leave you vulnerable after the attack so don't use them recklessly. You can set the practice mode to always stand guard and try everything out to see what slips through! There are literally thousands of permutations a MAX-mode combo can take on so the sky is the limit! Many, many characters have these and they make for simple and straightforward combo starters or hit confirms. The game was later ported to Steam on February 27, 2015, and a PlayStation 4 version was released digitally on February 8, 2021. Throw Moves: Go Go Futen Girl (close) / + Starlit Field (close) / + Command Moves: At the Wasteland What this will do is perform a MAX-cancel and your special automatically at the same time so you can continue your MAX combo as if you started the whole combo already in MAX-mode. Check the Characters section for characters like Blue Mary, Clark, Ramon, and Daimon to see more about some unique and fun grapplers. Like we looked at earlier, casual play with some friends or just runs through the arcade regardless of what difficulty you feel comfortable playing at does help muscle memory for your command moves like this. Easy MAX-cancel starter: c5C xx 3C xx 214B+C. built a lot of the move lists to reflect that. Common double charge move buffer - 1~7P xx 6K (This is how you can easily cancel Leona's 2~8P to 4~6K), Kyo's DP to Super - 632146P 41236P (also written half-circle back, forward+P, then just do a half-circle forward and P again).