Tactical shooters include games of the first-person shooter (FPS) and third-person shooter genre of video games that generally simulate realistic, squad-based or man-to-man skirmishes. My dad, David Boy, served on the river assault squadron 13 in 1968-1969. As those who serve know some medals are awarded for just being in a certain place at the right time and others, well, they are truly earned for something greater than meritorious service. I was a Hospital Corpsman assigned from NSAH DaNang to the river boats on the Cua Viet River. crewman. United States Navy Reserve Squadron. On LCU1614 1969 cruised all the rivers around Da Nang I find it impossible to find information about the river boats. Then we moved to Cat Lo. I WOULDNT WISH WHAT I WENT THU WITH ON MY WORSE ENEMY. Im Sam Ferrentino boat captain of the mini drydock from oct. 1970 till April 1971 my boat crew and I saved all your added on attack at new sod 15 feb. 1970 .. He served around that same time and was a First Class in the Navy at the time and also became a Chief while in Nam. Useless Master-at -Arms would stand in the crow line looking to give out haircut chits according to their standards but they spent thousand of dollars decorating the mess hall in a Cowboy Decoration. on LCPL,s 1968 & 69 God Bless them all. He just passed away a few months ago and I just got done cleaning out his belongings and found several River Division 592 things he kept. I think another reason too is, we all weren’t together for that long of a period of time. My brother, Guy Nimietz, recently passed away. We had jobs to do and we did them damn well. I was in country 1970 Danang on repair barge we repaired pcfs and pbrs. I was a gunner on a PBR, River Division 572. Just wondering if any one on here knew Michael Rosson. Even though I had special training on GM-6V53 engines (PBR’s), they assigned me to NSAD Cua Viet (LCM 8-735). I was on the Hunterdon County from July, 69 to August 70. Just the fact that John was a 50 caliber machine gunner in the Brown River Navy on the Mekong Delta entitles him to be called a Hero – anyone who was on those small boats exposed to hostile fire 24/7 deserves the Title of Hero. The 50s wouldn’t depress) All I could do without prior authorization was shoot at “floating mines” which would be slipped into the river by “fishermen” right after you guys had swept past with your chains. They were based on PBR Mobile Base 1 just north of Tan My. Larry, just read your article LCU-1499 were you stationed in Danang Lighterage was there in 1969-1970 on the YFU 52 and YFU 72, Joe i was in Dong Ha working the ramp in 68 driving an R.T. You sent me a video some years ago and I lost touch with you. The VC would take no prisoners. …I do not officially remember details, except that the radio didn’t seem to be working…..What a hellish river. We sailed with the knowledge that if we were to run into a serious ambush we would all be dead. Two old, wooden, Captains Gigs were obtained from the USS Weiss, a barge that served as dock and housing for team one and certain MACVSOG members was fixed in the Saigon River. You never hear these stories. Specifically I remember a Boat Captain on one of the ASPBs named Lane. I have had 7 major operations, died 3 times and being told I had the wrong cancer, COLON, Wrong peripheral neuropathy, and wrong tias and strokes,conjestive hear failure and don’t qualify, because of WHAT EVER THEY WANT TO SAY, It will be over soon, GOD BLESS AMERICA,,20 different diseases, Yes you do have to have boots on ground..sorry…, Pingback: UNCLE SAMS SON IN LAW? He served from 65 to 70. Lillian – Curious as to whether or not we were talking about the same individual. You had to have been on ship’s crew when I we were attached to you. We are trying to get comp and benefits for him more than 10% for hearing loss. I was wondering if any of you had served with my dad. thank you. And May God Bless You ALL. Another group that is ignored on many of the sites is the US Coast Guard and their WPBs. Hay doc IT’s porky[don’t go by that name now days] Doug Robertson ,glad to see you made it out alive ,hope your doing well. My uncle was in the Navy swift boats in cat-lo Ron g. Wait is doing well,living in washington,state. That’s why we called our kind of boat SMTs (slow moving targets). I sure miss those guys I served with, I can still see the smile and grins on their faces, We would lay our C rations on the engine heat exchanger pipes to get a hot meal. Still keep in touch with some of the MRF guys. Bill Anwander, Joe ?dd214 useless. Am I a veteran or Vietnam era veteran,. Took Mike 8s for the gauntlet run up the Cua Viet/Bo Dieu to Dong Ha, extracting 3rd Marines+ artillery on November 16, 1967. After starring in the 1990 action films Navy SEALS and The ... Superbad,' before earning award nominations for roles in 'Moneyball' and 'The Wolf of Wall Street.' Do you know if Bera is still around, I’ve talked to Pape but have not heard from Bera or Wallace since 1969. i was on a p.b.r. Larry Salisbury from ATSB SOD and Ca Mau. Do the men who spent all that time have the Honor of calling themselves Brown Water Navy. myboat spent more time in the bush than , the grunts that we supported. Black Ops was sensitive, few records or written history exists or is denied. PTF (Fast Patrol Boat "Nasty" Class), PG (Ashville Class Patrol Gunboat), and PBR (River Patrol Boat) (Sketch by John Charles Roach, NHHC L-File), 2012 marks the beginning of commemorations for the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. Shapeless 71 was our call sign at Nha Be when I left. I was on board Z-132-1 tied outboard of him earlier and left for a night patrol. I hope this makes it to you, I see that this comment was made 3 years ago, but do you remember the first name of the “Wallace” you are referring to? 26% casualties. I also have reason to believe he may have served in a different mission on the LCMs, or been on another type of boat as he stated to family members he went “up the rivers” for days then would come back to larger ship. I was an R.T Driver up in Dong Ha in 68, so I know our paths must have crossed. Bells will only be rung as a single strike, or a closely spaced double strike, with a maximum of eight bells (4 sets of 2). Just sunk with all hands, usually crews of 9-11 sailors. I was a fifty Caliber machine gun specialist. I’m sorry but the Va is doing a good job with the determination of illnesses as a result of exposure to agent orange. SEO Link building is a process that requires a lot of time fo navyhistory.org We have now placed Twitpic in an archived state. I was in River Division 592 from March of 69 to March of 70 as a 3rd class gunners mate later a 2nd. My memory is not to good? Hats off to all who served. All I got to say there is thousands who just gave up on something they earned not deserved,,,Everyone who was given a campaign medal should automatically get medical and dental work free, If nothing else, if nothing else. seems to be one forgotten unit that begun duty in the rivers in 1965. that was MINRON-11 Detachment alpha. right trail. Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC), - - Cruise Book and Document Reproduction, - Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC), UNCLE SAMS SON IN LAW? Afterwards I filled out a “chit” for BUPERS to send further stuff to my home address. Joseph Pires there was a leutenant collins and a peter suverel no witnesses know of. I read a spotters report one tme that he liked us rockets ships, because they would call in coordinates on a target and before they could find another target, the first one was obliberated. 1306 Dahlgren Avenue, SE Best to all @ Binh Thuy on both sides of the road. I was a BM3 assigned to the boat division, which was made up of 3 LCM 6s converted to service pusher boats, used in landing LSTs at the ramp. Hey I served with you at sod until you went home. i know they tried hard to save him but he got hit bad. i was first man abd lcu 62 when she was sunk at mouth of cua viet. Would some one tell me what group I served with. Thanks for the video and hope to hear from you again soon. Late last year, we heard from a number of our NHF Members about the History Channel’s 2011 documentary Vietnam in HD. I served as the boats forward observer scout for about three weeks. A “sapper” (VC/NVA) had come in using re-breathing apparatus (Russian) when we had orders (earlier in the day) to “cease fire” on concussion grenades because divers had been in the water changing a “sweep” boat screw–and they never gave the orders to resume fire on concussion grenades! He can be remotely controlled by the … We were in volved in rescue missions and and transporting PBR’s and other land and water vessels. Love you guys be safe . We had to shoot down our own parachute flares that the wind blew and held over our position. I was at CuaViet on the LCM-8 824 1968-1969 as a BM2, Was advanced to BM1 and was assigned as the LPO for all the LCM’s and ami barges at Cua Viet. sounds like you were also a March 68 replacement at Cua Viet? Also, we have pictures from my fathers time with the RIVRON 13 crew that we would be happy to share with anyone interested. The guy that got killed that night was from the LCM-6 boat, a guy by the name of Tinko (found that out just about a year ago). 4 killed and 89 wounded. The next day they pulled it all the way out of the water with a D-7(?) If any one has information, I would appreciate it. There was also many LCM8’s and 6 boats that ran the Cua Viet River from Cua Viet to Dong Ha with supplies and mine sweeper operations in the mornings. I was an RMSN aboard the YRBM-16 and later the 20from June of 1970 through April of 1971. I was at Moc Hua from May 1970 to March 1971. But in a few minutes I realized it was a mine and got back on the boat and assessed the damage. I know the U.S.N. 1 History 1.1 20th Century 1.1.1 World War II 1.1.2 Cold War 1.2 21st Century 1.2.1 The Hulk Incident 1.2.2 The Birth of Iron Man 1.2.3 Armors and … Vudu is a subscription-free, contract-free streaming service. Dave I can be reached at: jkpires@atmc.net. Thank you so much for taking the time to share that with us. Id was Negotiate 24 was Mortar attack 00:10 June 9th my last patrol just about where the Quang Tre , Dong Ha , Cua Viet rivers meet . I have a question and I hope some one can answer it. He should stayed sailing his desk.The Crew was just about as bad from FN’s to Lt(jg) Walsh in A Division. Please send email lawrencevaughan317@yahoo.com, Ralph Doug Porky Robetson, Also I hardly ever see anything mentioned about the crew that worked the ramps. look up the video about him. I recently found out he has a silver star and 2 bronze starts and a combat action. I was on Zippo 4 and Tango 48 in 69 thru 70. Not very handy with the computer but would love to hear from you. They said he was never the same. Some of the names are beginning to fade with time. Two tours were in the delta, and one up north. Later, when in-country at Moc Hua, received one of the survivors. My dad is not doing well health wise and he wants to reconnect with his old shipmates if I can find any that is. Bac Xe Daiute, Sin Loi, I’m Sam Ferrentino the boat captain of the mini dry dock that saved all your asses when new sod was attacked 15 feb. 1970 .. After two 11 month tours on Destroyers providing gunfire support from off of Hanoi to Sea Float was transferred to Naval Advisory Group Binh Thuey. Skip. HELP. There also a LST nearby. While we were a support facility and not charged with engaging the enemy were not “in the rear with the gear”. Bob I bet we now each other. I sure would appreciate any feedback from those who might remember serving with my father during the time period of 68-69 RIVRON 13. Another 'well used' actual movie blank firing gun. i and my crew was in nam from april 15 69until april 15 70. i now know what it feels like to be a bastard step child unwanted and neglected. He passed away 13 years ago from eating the raw fish in Vietnam which gave him liver cancer. We have have access to Vietnam photography that could be used to accompany the story. 67 and 68. I was a BM3 on the Uss Cabildo LSD 16 in the years of 1968 and 1969. Die … Do you all realize only 30 percent of v veterans are all that’s left alive…I n closing, how can everything in our upper respiratory system be associated with agent orange?/But everything below the waste doesn’t count, where in the hell does everything that had agent orange go, God forbid, have we lost all common sense in our country? Good evening, Please come join us. None of us really went to war for recognition, I know I didn’t,I wanted to serve and get my pink butt back asap. Someone was always getting moved and a new replacement would show up, all except me! We required rescue on several assingments. He wanted to know if there were anymore following. He was one of the boats that went up the river to bring back the downed pilots. My guess though is that if you were to search out the ship logs of the USS Weiss you may see log entries to validate this…I am interested in accurate reporting (where it is possible) so to me the BW Navy was born in 1964 not 1967…just sayin’……..I also do not want to be contacted about this further…check it out you’ll see. Was there during the mini Tet offensive in May of 68, mainly on night patrol. RLTW. 20mm was Greg Gass. Anyone know him? That’s about where they jumped us – came from the north bank just past that island before the Cua Viet curve. The Wallace I new was a black man and a GM3. I was also a scuba diver and did underwater hull inspections, under water propeller changes and tied bouys to sunken boats in the river to the gulf at Vung Tau to keep our boats from hitting them to prevent damage. Terry and our radioman went to radio school together. I’m going to defer the question about the pictures to Dave Winkler, our historian, but of course anybody else is welcome to volunteer any photos they have. Thanks a million and please continue the rewarding work. The pictures are from 1964-65 that our xo took. ... Iron … yes we had pbr, tango, stabs and monitor, He passed a couple years ago and I’m a army vet. My dad just passed away he never talked about the river boats. I replaced Doc Beaver for awhile then came back to relieve Doc Barker and stayed until end of May. hi fellas, I was on the USS WASTENAW COUNTY LST 1166. Were you around for the Mini-Tet in May of 68? Admittedly, many who served on the rivers had it worse than those on the bases, but we all worked together round the clock doing whatever we were assigned and making sure we were supporting those in harms way. and purple heart..that day went down in history as the worst day ever in the history of those boats. Anyone serve with LT Minest “Joseph” Foret (tour of duty 7/69 to 7/70) . Looking for anyone that knew a cousin of mine (Craig Carter) who I think served in the brown water navy in Vietnam. Finally someone from Cat Lo. Paul C. Daiute Independent duty Corpsman ATSB Song Ong Doc and Ca Mau 1970, My brother, Vincent Wnorowski was in Song Ong Doc on October 20, 1970. Thanks for leaving the deck jackets – we needed them during the cold season. Please do not release my name. They had been in dong tam for overhaul and were ready to pull out the next day when he was on watch at night and got hit with an incoming. Would anyone know the building where he would have worked? Thanks Bill. Calabash, NC, I was in Da Nang I corp 1969-1970 YFU 72 I believe we have all been forgotten for the support of the Army Marines there has been way two many years past over 44years and we should all stand up together . Also a life member of Gamewardens, Pacific Northwest Chapter. I was on the USS COOK ILL TELL YOU THIS TO SERVE ABOARD THOSE APD SHIPS IS PURE D HELL HE WAS A DAM GOOD MAN YOU HAVE TO BE PROUD OF HIM. and I came back up on LCM 8-798. Thank you Richard, His wife says he was called “Benny” Please email any info to me direct at — suwanneetrader@hotmail.com, Larry, in loving memory of my husband, johnny ray center who served his country in vietnam1963. You can reach me by email at hogansnook@att.net. The River Patrol Force was established on 18 December 1965, and for the remaining years of the war, Navy patrol boats were a common sight on the waters of Vietnam. Lost two very good Buddies. Wow 44 years ago today I left Travis…I served at first on a Alpha boat at Song Ong Doc…later on a Tango boat on the Grand Canal… 8’s on the river side 69 / 70. He was in his mid to late 30’s when he was in Vietnam. Chief Diver USN Ret. a fine man in service to his fellow man and his country. Does anybody remember CLARENCE (bo) weeks reply at pammysdad65@gmail.com and navy history.org. my father served on tango 91 -13 from sept 67 through 68 . What I have found very interesting over the decades is that sites, blogs, posts etc. I’m glad he made it back home, I am sorry to hear of his passing. I, as a Marine tdy to the group/ squadron patroling the Hue’ river in April of 1968. hey woodwater whats up ron jones here good to hear you’re still kicken dan james died 3 years ago get back pheasantcreek2503@hotmail.com, Yeah I remember unloading L.C.Us up in Dong HA in 68. These Members, veterans of the war, were concerned that the documentary did not provide adequate coverage of the Brown Water Navy. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more). Thanks Guy, You are so right, they never had much to say about the I corp, I was on the you 12 feb 28 ,67. I had signed up for the bluewater Navy. we were mothrtship to the pbr.i was with here from n0vember 66 to june 67. we also two sea wolf uh-1bs for addition fire support. He finally did two years ago. Military.com enables millions of Americans with military connections to access their benefits, find jobs, enjoy military discounts and stay connected. We stored body bags on our flight deck and in our freezers. My email is: richard.lindner65@gmail.com, Shelly, Please see V/R Chuck Chaldekas – Contact info: W619-437-9628 C619-895-3096. … We know very little about his service there, and he passed away in 1997. His boat was sunk in that ambush on October 25, 1967. Boat will likely retain this marking. Please do let us know if you might be interested, we welcome your input. Some years ago you sent me a video from your LCU on the perfume river. That soldier survived his wounds and was later awarded the Medal of Honor. There are many groups that should be included and recognized for their contributions in Nam. I guess why there is more attention on the PBRS is that they were fast, not like the rag boats. Thank you all for your Service!! Get in-depth analysis on current news, happenings and headlines. I do not know what I have nor how many many, I was not a hero like they are today. i was the only guy, i know of, that painted a big yellow peace sign on a big rock face in danang harbor 1970. Hello Bob, It has over 100,000 movies and TV shows to rent or buy, and many are available in 4K UHD. Later it was R.L. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Bac Xe Paul C. Daiute. He passed away a few weeks ago, and I was just looking for someone that may have known him. I ended up at the old French outpost at Ca Mau where we got hit again with rockets. I spent the last eleven months of my enlistment at NSA Chu lai I Corp. Needless to say, I went backwards at a fast pace. Hello, I’m doing some research for a project I’m working on to surprise my father. Mekong Delta. …was with Riv Div 511/CTF 116 in 69 Hunterdon…then Binh Thuy/Can Tho…hit in Saigon 69/TET. Our Captain from the time you were on board even joined us for a while before he died a few years back. My number is 1-501-253-0456. “Former” SK3, USS BENNINGTON Historian, 1965-1969 James rufas McKendree LST 1161 USS Vernon County? Trying to find information on seal team ambushed in 1970 near district town kien binh . I guess we can continue to eat the crumbs that fall from the masters (Naval Historical Foundation) table. Dave wait cmc20w.dw@gmail.Com Ron would like to hear from friends that he knew during that time. THE TYPHOONS STORMS SLEEPING OVER C4 FOR 4 YRS GTH IF I ALREADY SAID THAT! Doug Britton USS Askari (1967-68). and went on LCU trips to deliver supplies to the sea bees. All those on-board lost their lives! Staub Enameled Cast Iron Double-Handled Grill Pan Sugg. They sent me back to DaNang (via “U” boat (?) I have a few pictures of “heavies,” the Grand Canal, and Ap Bac village. all crew was dead except one man. You guys had balls that clanked when you walked! The action was in the stars and strips, any next of kin or person with direct knowledge, any and all info. High quality Uk gifts and merchandise. Our Captain from the time you were on board even joined us for a while before he died a few years back. sswenson@tscnet.com, I was at Cua Viet from 68-69 as the LPO for the LCM’s boat Div. One day while on patrol word was received that a small unit in the jungle had received heavy fire and casualties. He was on a boat with Zumwalt III. Tactical shooters include games of the first-person shooter (FPS) and third-person shooter genre of video games that generally simulate realistic, squad-based or man-to-man skirmishes.. Subcategories. Most important to me I have 15 photographs of him and crew and the boats. to stay up to date with approaching post. Sounds like what my husband did. Thanks for your service !!! Wooden boats with crew of 5, which mine swept the rivers with drag chains on the banks of rivers, subjected to all kinds of small arms and rocket fire, plus clay more mines. I am taking a trip and would like to visit. He now joins his father, Master Chief John Louis, Sr. who floated on a raft in the South Pacific for days before being rescued. Mostly was on the Night patrol. These lightly armored patrol boats  were built for speed, and offered little protection to their crews. He just passed away recently and did not talk much about his service. any one serve with HONOR B COLE HE IS STILL ALIVE OF REVERINE FORCE 811 I SAW HIM GET HIS PUC FOR 25 FIRE FIGHTS IN THRIVERS WE WERE ABOARD THE COOK APD/LPR 130 THE DUDES WERE PUTTING LSD IN THE SHIPS WATER WE HAD FORCE RECO UDT 11 , 12 AND 13 I SUFFERED LIKE ALL OF YOU BRAVE SAILORS GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU. That brings back a memory – I was the Bosn on the YFU 77 (70-71) (329th Heavy Boat, Danang – Army), and on our trips up the Qua Viet to Quang Tri my job was to shoot anything floating in the river in case it was a dandy little homemade mine. Armed with 8-twin tube 5″ spin-stabilized rocket launchers on our foredeck, qne 5″38 cal. We were anchored 2 kilometers downstream of Cambodia in the Mekong river at Tanh Chau and later at Chau Doc on the Bassac river. Thanks again Bill. While Chu Lai was considered relatively secure, each of these duty assignments had their hazards. And of course, like all who serve, they spent many a lonely day, thinking about a home on the other side of the world. I NOW LIVE IN LAKEWOOD, NEW JERSEY AND HOPE TO CONTACT ANY ELSE WHO LIVES NEAR ME SO WE CAN CONNECT AFTER ALL THESE YEARS OF BEING AWAY FROM THE BEST TYPE OF SEA DUTY THAT WE HAD. They used a PCF and a PBR moored on a creek near Saigon, for operational learning. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. The only other thing that stands out in my mind was the mining of YFU-62. Rowland email is Shoke7000@aol.com. I have some real stories about him if you are interested or knew him – let me know. I still have nightmares about the times we almost sank when sailing in open seas, not a good idea when your bow is a 20ft wide landing ramp. Don’t know if this was a VN Navy boat or US. The more weight we carried the slower we sailed. At least we had mud to hunker down in. BGC etc. My father drove these from the USS Point Defiance, LSD 31 from ’67-’68 and spent considerable time up the rivers inserting and retrieving SEAL teams and Marines, as well as patrolling the rivers. Patrolled from mouth of river to Dong Ha. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back Oceanography: Exploring Earth's Final Wilderness Casino … Gave the Seabees a good laugh. Anyone serve onboard USS Bennington 1968-1970. The website is a work in progress, and features an expansive interactive timeline of the war, featuring images and reference material. My dad, Ralph Dean, was in the mobile riverine force. NSAs are largely represented as “in the rear with the gear”. He received purple hearts and bronze star for his efforts. i was on r-1 on the grand canal up by Cambodia Dec. of 69 to Oct 70 riv ron 13 and 15 But, I don’t have any information beyond that. I was one of the corpsmen stationed there in 1970, I was there Oct to may. I know he served somewhere between 67 and 69 and was on the USS Nuces and was a radioman according to his DD214. we inserted and retracted army all over the delta. He was told his records were destroyed in the fire at the St. Louis repository, however I have reason to believe this may not be the case. My best friend Gerry Miller died in my arms , he was my relief , some say it was Negotiate 23 but was not ! I am honored to know and to love this Great Man and to be his Brother in Law. Not much said about us !!!! Was more or less aboard til January 69. Glen Carter He is now suffering from PTSD, diabetes, lung cancer, cold, turrets, and sleep apnea. Before Sunrise pulling out to anchor for the harge bring out the rockets for the next mission up around Icor Met many Riverpatrol Brother while we the Brownwater navy served this country. My DD214 just states “served in Vietnam on or after Aug 1964” and I was up river at Moc Hua. The Dong Ha ammo dump explosion managed to get some input but nothing I have seen has ever related to what happened at Cua Viet, including the book “Brown water Black Berets”?? I think he came from Cherryville. Watch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on CNN.com. richard.lindner65@gmail.com. Naval Historical Foundation I liked the collection of information for Brownwater Navy but was disappointed in the coverage of LCU, YFU operations in I corp. The aim was not to offend anyone, or to belittle the brave service of Vietnam veterans. They contended with shallow, narrow waterways, whose constantly changing waters overflowed and flooded during the monsoon season. We would like to know more about it. Sometimes I would catch a ride with you guys to Danang for in country R&R. ?AGENT ORANGE AND CANCER | meanlittleboy2. I am waiting for your further post thank you once again. Engine room was flooding! Our family called him “Skip” but y’all might have called him “Ski” Wondering if you knew him? This was not too long after they made us tear down all our “hooches” we had built on the stern of our boats for living quarters. I have heard the stories many times – don’t remember all of them – but he loved his River Division 592. in support of the army along the song ba lai river in mekong delta.