Can you explain how you see it as winning, please? Hello Greg, I think you’ve made it very clear, how ICAN has won by finding proof of vaccines produced without testing for safety, in the last 32 years. Devon Seamoor ican-lawsuit-to-close-georgia-ballot-drop-boxes A judge in Fulton County, Ga., dismissed a GOP lawsuit on Thursday that sought to block voters from using absentee ballot drop boxes after normal business hours. Which means cumulative exposure of vaccines might cause Autism, it hasn’t been tested and thus we dont know. When they say safety studies have been done when no one can find them, then Kennedy offers $$ for anyone who show they have been done. Powerful words, sir…and I agree with them wholeheartedly. They did settle a lawsuit though, a lawsuit which was then dismissed. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! 6 Apr 68 32 people get sick from ecoli and FDA tells everyone to stop buying romaine lettuce, but thousands report issues with vaccines and it’s pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Has the Vaccine Court Compensated over 70 Families for Autism? 3 … It is unfortunate that man has not been guided to his/her Fullest Potential. There is no stopping us now. The lawsuit was dismissed “with prejudice,” meaning it can’t be re-filed. 16 Aug 61 The court dismissed the case. If not, you should because it’s extremely interesting! “In this study, we could not find the evidence that MMR vaccination increases the risk of ASD onset. They got their 20 CDC research articles that the CDC relies upon to claim “Vaccines do not cause Autism”. Hello Michael Koplen. Motion for Default Judgment. However it is a very broad hypothesis. 10 FACTS You Must Know About The Jesuits. Counter serum given brought his right side back, took away his left side body and brain for the rest of his life. Robert Kennedy is a hero, diligently working for this very good cause. The only thing they can say is that the studies they have done on a particular vaccine suggest there is no link between vaccines and Autism. Vaccins H1N1 vous avez quelque chose la dessus ? Learn how your comment data is processed. 16 August 2020 11. 21 Jun 59 It’s the magic formula for life showing up in all colors of the rainbow with stardust ? plaintiff ICAN by its undersigned counsel, hereby gives notice that the above captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice against the defendant FDA. I remember getting mumps and it was miserable. But, unfortunately, when I looked at the documents, ICAN did NOT win. I’ve seen the documentary VAXXED, it’s very well made. I just say no to all these things. 20 Mar 58 At last, we are winning our freedom! This action seeks an order directing the NIH to produce records responsive to ICAN’s Freedom of […] It’s so very simple and at the same time, it’s causing the windmills of our mind to whir like mad, thinking it through, how to do this. Those who get the chicken pox are immune for life, those who get the vax are not. So now you have created a situation of a “false” immunity. It is impossible for vaccines to cause autism, but enough quacks and manipulative parasites have made the claim enough that the CDC had to make the claim. This time, when the CDC should be using all of their time and resources handling the COVID-19 pandemic, Del Bigtree‘s ICAN hit them with a 36 page complaint, a lawsuit to get studies proving vaccines don’t cause autism. She was going to talk about COVID19, Vaccines, Autism, and of course the cure which is (Suramin). A couple of years after Tinus Smit was disarmed and pushed aside, he died of cancer. Hmm, I’m so keen on cutting the crap that I’m triggered quickly, and I now join you in making an elephant out of a mosquito, as we say in The Netherlands, haha. It’s probable to think that the same thing might start happen with the overuse of vaccines. “However further studies might find a significant difference black poor people which we did not test in this study” for example. I could cry about the damaged children that feel lost in this world, suffering. But can someone please edit this, “Autism rates are excepted to drop” (expected). Somehow, his producers and advertisers caught wind of this and forbid it. I could keep going, but I’ll end with, have you watched the CDC video approving the Hep vax? Then when asked about the “new” mutated gene thing they said the same thing, “we’re making the assumption that’s it’s safe like other vaccines.”. Oh by all means, educate us about what’s wrong with the adjuvants and ‘contaminants’. Here are the huge legal and practical implications in this legal victory for the American people: A recent US court case revealed there has been no quality control over vaccines manufactured by big-pharma for at least 32 years. What will it take to see Divine Proportion and all that has been lost as a result of these False Claims Restored? The goal was to break down the CDC claim that “Vaccines do not cause Autism” and the CDC has not enough evidence to back up that claim. In truth documents were served for an FOI application. oh the irony. Then everyone is surprised when people get upset and start asking questions. Not a single f***ng thing. ___ HOUSE RACES Those running them have made Unfounded Claims Upon Our Energy. Money cannot buy back our bodies health or our Loss of Innocence. 3 May 68. This is just the beginning. Thank You for your comment. I’m not sure if what I’m writing here is what you can relate to, but in essence, I’d like to invite you to jump into action where you feel that change is needed. Having a License is an open license to be raped, murdered, tortured, and robed by the pirates that created this system. You can’t prove there ISN’T a teakettle flying around in space, thus it must be there! Really, and who is going to do that. 7 Sep 71 My heart goes out to those who get autism and do not come back. Only an idiot can trust what you are stating here!! Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (As Approved by ICANN on October 24, 1999) 1. Oh, it’s not a gut problem, well I have this measles vaccine I’ve been testing…I BET I COULD LINK IT TO THE MMR VACCINE’, and he then released a study in a reputable journal that got torn apart…but from there, other disgraced personalities and NON-SCIENTISTS began to spread the myth that vaccines caused autism, which caused actual scientists to release dozens, if not hundreds of studies showing that there is no discernable link between thimerosal, between aluminium hydroxide, and between any vaccine and autism. You don't have to sue until the agency rules on your claim. Which means it is possible that these vaccines and thus “Vaccines” in general might cause autism and their are NO studies with the null hypothesis that these vaccines dont cause Autism. The trial court for the refiled action barred plaintiff from calling trial witnesses. 23 Jan 58 (no take) Again, vaccines aren’t associated with autism. All studies relied upon by CDC to claim that inactivated polio vaccine (‘IPV’) does not cause autism. Every single study that even BEGINS to SUGGEST a link has been so horribly constructed that it’s obvious that the constructors of the studies took their conclusion and worked backwards. Here is my shot record I had as a kid because I was an Army brat, and as a teenager I went to the post clinic on my own to get my vaccines in 1974: Smallpox: 90% (9 out of 10) people who died from last years flu epidemic had received the flu shot. Do they have a study to show that 3000 antigens stimulates more than a 4 antigen vaccine? As the links on that page completely fail to support this assertion, ICAN sued to get the scientific studies that the statement is based upon. The CDC thus provided zero studies to show that DTaP, Engerix-B, Recombivax HB, Prevnar 13, Hib, IPV, alone or in combination do not cause autism. Please enter your ICAN Membership Number (numeric only e.g 2133) and password (setup here or at the validation portal). At the Informed Consent Action Network, you are the authority over your health choices and those of your children. Thank you for sharing them with us. 20 Feb 58 You aren’t even following this issue. There is no link between vaccines and autism. Now, in any PROPER science, that would result in him acknowledging that the evidence does not support his hypothesis(namely, that MMR was causing autism). And it isn’t even the only study to prove that there is no association between “general vaccinations” and autism. o This means that the US Department of Health and Human Services and all vaccine makers have been lying to the American people for over 30 years about the effectiveness and safety of vaccines; this may Suramin is used to treat African Sleeping Sickness, the medication itself has been around for nearly 90 years, and is about $11 for a single Intravenous shot. How Can We Strengthen Love And Relationships In Tough Planetary Times? The First District agreed that the plaintiff had disregarded the discovery process and had voluntarily dismissed his original action to avoid the sanction order that had been entered against him. Joe Rogan was going to have a former CDC Virologist and Epidemiologist on his Podcast. The court case proved nothing and was DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE. Vac contain neurotoxins that are ruining so many kids’ lives. In this case, one would assume the observation might be ‘autism rates are higher in vaccinated children’. The CDC has a webpage that states that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism”. ICAN proved that no safety was done as has been mandated. This Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the "Policy") has been adopted by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN"), is incorporated by reference into your Registration Agreement, and sets forth the … You’re not a herd, you are one powerful human being capable of bringing change. ICAN proved that no safety was done as has been mandated. (lawsuit in the Circuit Court for County of Washington, Oregon) Yeager v. Go Daddy Group, Inc., et al (lawsuit in Common Pleas Court for Franklin County, Ohio) Moore et al. Only 2 of the studies had anything to do with vaccines in the list above. Hence why science never can prove anything it can only disprove a hypothesis (null hypothesis). It is not a quick read and will require time for contemplation. The Courts that Control this Society that we have been BORN into and Unceremoniously Registered into have been created by Black Magicians, Men in Robes calling themselves Holy Men. The safety of the herd is a thing from a long-ago past and it’s hard work to take off that coat of presumed protection, for many of us. Imagine trying to figure out how a car works (cause of autism) and you take away the wheels and steering wheel (thimerosol) and put in tank tracks (aluminium adjuvant) to replace it. Money cannot buy back the Loss of Spirit. The link is given at the beginning of the article. If you can’t prove a negative then the CDC should take down their statement that “Vaccines do not cause autism”. I’m an Occupational Therapist and was all in with the vax thing, until I watched my daughter lose Speech ability directly following a vaccine. Of course they provide many great services when needed, but they are often WRONG. This is such a weak response, but that’s to be expected because the result of ICAN’s court case is so unambiguous. Increasing Exposure to Antibody-Stimulating Proteins and Polysaccharides in Vaccines Is Not Associated with Risk of Autism, The Combined Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccines and the Total Number of Vaccines Are Not Associated With Development of Autism Spectrum Disorder: The First Case-Control Study in Asia, Vaccines Are Not Associated With Autism: An Evidence-Based Meta-Analysis of Case-Control and Cohort Studies, Vaccines and Autism: A Summary of CDC Conducted or Sponsored Studies, Remote Vaccine Temperature Monitoring Devices. This case does not support a single one of the things claimed by this article. Wait, if Del Bigtree now thinks that autism is associated with the vaccines given during the first six months of life, is he saying that Andrew Wakefield is indeed a fraud? Obviously, you are right on about dumping the stocks. I hope. Now ICAN can tell people unequivocally that CDC has no studies to say Prevnar 13, Hib vaccines,inactivated polio vaccine (‘IPV’) does not cause autism? 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, plaintiff ICAN by its undersigned counsel, hereby gives notice that the above captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice against the defendant FDA. Before taking any action, your employer should: look for … My OBGYN told me the flu shot was studied and proven safe during pregnancy. Why do the Courts not recognize the men and women committing horrendous crimes in Laboratories in the production of infectious disease? if it’s true that policemen cause crimes in the world and if members of fire brigades cause fires. Without his efforts Big Pharma would continue to trade our children’s lives for their financial greed. Boosting Vaccine Confidence in Multicultural Patient Communities. Autism Expert Agrees: It’s Time to Shift the Focus Off of Vaccines, Vaccines and autism: A thorough review of the evidence. The court did not rule in favour of ICAN, it was dismissed after the CDC produced numerous scientific studies that show that vaccines do not cause autism. Both parties emphasized that Judge A. Howard Matz ruled on only one out of seven claims: the antitrust complaint. The antitrust component of VeriSign's claim was dismissed during August 2004. It is only a hypothesis 6 Apr 68 It’s an exercise in discipline to be silent when my enthusiasm longs to speak and to maintain the fullness of my inner knowing, in trust that it works its way in an unseen manner, by my choice to embody and ground it, preparing the soil for a new world in freedom. Isn't it considered with prejudice since the attorney filed for the dismissal? You truly believe we are stupid right??? Have you seen posts claiming that the CDC “lost” in court and can no longer claim that vaccines don’t cause autism? Use logical Purpose. He was lucky and pulled out of it. That was ICANs goal and they achieved it. Do COVID-19 vaccines cause heart attacks and cardiac death? You can’t just make a claim and perform tests that support said claim, dismissing the massive, MASSIVE body of evidence that counters your claim. This is one of the reasons he moved over to Spotify. Hello Anton, the task of achieving what you long for or want to manifest is in your hands and not in any other people’s hands. She was going to blow the lid of the whole thing and burn it all down. That … 26 Aug 59 Instead, he dismissed all the evidence that countered his hypothesis, invented data, and published it. The fact the CDC produced ‘only’ twenty(compared to the ICAN’s 0) does not ‘prove’ they have no evidence. I am 74 and recently went on my Allina message site and saw that Allina has a list of all the vaccines, mammograms, colonoscopies, flu shots that have the word overdue in front of them. Id. It was a win for ICAN because now they can show that there is no safety testing, or improvements being done to make vaccines safer for children. What if we tested not having a car at all(no vaccines) versus those with a car (with vaccines) and see if the car works still. So yes, there are concerns that need to be addressed about the safety of vaccines and I’m thrilled that it’s finally being addressed!!! There is no mechanism by which vaccines could even POSSIBLY cause autism. It also means that CDC has no data to say cumulative exposure to vaccines recommended in the schedule do not cause Autism. U.S. Government lost a Landmark Vaccine Lawsuit. Again, file your lawsuit as soon as possible after receiving this decision to avoid any chance of having your lawsuit dismissed as untimely. I agree with most you wrote. Copies of the studies the CDC relies upon to claim that the cumulative exposure of vaccines it recommends that babies be administered during the first six months of life do not cause autism. By Meredith Wadman Apr. 8th ICAN UK International Accountants Conference (Virtual) March 4 - 5, 2021 : Read More : March 2021 Accounting Technicians Scheme (West Africa) Examinations : March 16 - 17, 2021 : Read More : Malaysia International Conferences : March 22 - 26, 2021 : Read More : 50th Annual Accountants' Conference : April 5 - 9, 2021 : Read More 30 Mar 68 Who funds Del Bigtree? The 2012 study, The Combined Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccines and the Total Number of Vaccines Are Not Associated With Development of Autism Spectrum Disorder: The First Case-Control Study in Asia, looked at MMR, measles, mumps, rubella, DPT, polio, B-encephalitis, and BCG vaccines and found no association with autism. When there are so many thousands of parents claiming that their child regressed into autism and that this was directly after a vaccine, this state of affairs is unconscionable. If a vaccine is given and it kills the recipient why is this not recognized as murder by those working in the courts?