We offer quality service at an affordable price. A lot of people describe the pain you feel on the roof of your mouth as being like a strong pizza-burn. In some cases, though, the gums may recede or pull away from the teeth, exposing the roots. Chewing can be tricky for about a week or two. It’s boring, we know but, again, these things can aggravate the surgical site. Things like mashed potato, bananas, oatmeal, avocados, and eggs are all good, soft foods that’ll avoid further irritation at the treatment site. Always speak to your dentist, who can advise you on the best choice based on your situation. This one goes hand in hand with tip number 9, but you really do need to rest after your surgery. Once youve reached the third day after the operation, you can begin using a heat pack for similar reduced swelling purposes; it is norma… So when you’ve got receding gums, what can you do about them? When I first discovered that I needed gum grafting surgery, I was horrified. You should fully recover from your surgery in just 2 weeks. Learn more about our commitment to oral health education. It’ll speed up your recovery, so you can be back doing the things you love in no time. One way to help the recovery process along is to pay close attention to the quality of foods you eat. Brushing your teeth with a lot of force may also cause your gums to pull away from your teeth. Start using them as soon as you leave the dentist, for maximum effect. The tissue can also come from a different donor or source. A stent also prevents food from getting at the site of the wound, which reduces pain and speeds up the healing process. This expose leads to an increased risk of tooth decay, and if it’s allowed to continue, you could end up losing your teeth. If you opted for using your own tissue, the roof of your mouth will need to heal. To keep your gums healthy, make sure to adopt good oral hygiene habits. Your email address will not be published. This is one of those times where it’s doctor’s orders to keep it light. If searching for a dentist near St Louis, Central West End, Clayton or Des Peres, we are within 25 minutes of each of these municipalities. The recovery process after a gum graft The list below includes important information that every dental patient needs to know about the recovery process after undergoing a gum grafting … My stent was like a … gcse.src = 'https://cse.google.com/cse.js?cx=' + cx; Following your procedure on the day of your surgery, you’ll want to avoid drinking anything hot or cold. The periodontist will then attach the tissue to the gums, covering the exposed root. You can gently pass the brush over the tops of your teeth, but avoid contact with the graft site. The earlier gum disease flare-ups are detected and treated, the less invasive treatment will be. Your body heals when it’s at rest, so have plenty of it, and sleep when you can. As your body begins the healing process, the site of your graft will swell even more, so icing the area will help you out a lot. We’ve got the information you need, so you can feel confident about your gum grafting surgery. In a … Gum disease can, unfortunately, rob you of periodontal health, resulting in gum … The gums are meant to cover up the roots of the teeth. Also, don’t floss for a couple of weeks, or until your mouth is healed. Ask the Colgate Chatbot! Then, use them repeatedly on and off again, every 20 minutes throughout the day. Recovery after a gum graft usually doesn't take very long, as the American Dental Association points out. Keep in mind our 10 tips as you recover from your surgery, and you’ll be smiling again in no time. No planning to be back in the office the next day, or out with your friends. Hot and cold foods can aggravate the site of your wound, and cause swelling. Your dentist will probably give you a special mouthwash to take home, so make sure you use this regularly to keep as clean a mouth as possible. All you need to do is fill a heavy duty baggie with crushed ice and apply as directed. During a gum graft procedure, a periodontist will harvest soft tissue from one area of your mouth, such as the soft palate. To take charge of your receding gums and prevent tooth loss, you’ll probably need gum grafting surgery at some point. Were you ever the kid with braces? Gingival flap surgery is the type often used to treat gum disease. You’ll probably have to keep this up for at least a week, and possibly longer, depending on how long it takes your gums and palate to heal. It’ll minimise bleeding, and keep the area clear until the stitches are removed. Cut back on anything spicy or highly flavored. If you have any additional questions regarding recovery from a gum graft surgery… For example, some people naturally have weaker gum tissue than others. If you’re scheduled to undergo gingival flap surgery, here’s what to expect: Before the surgery Before any gum surgery, you … You’ll still need to brush your teeth! Still, you'll need to pay close attention to what you eat. After gum surgery, it is important that the periodontist or dental hygienist inform you how to clean the teeth and gum tissue with a toothbrush and an antimicrobial fluoride toothpaste, floss and … Your email address will not be published. This type of surgery is commonly known as gum surgery. Recovery after a gum graft usually doesn't take very long, as the American Dental Association points out. Recovery From Gum Grafting Surgery You will need to make a few modifications to your daily habits as you heal from gum graft surgery. Colgate Reaches Children in Need Across the Globe With the Power of a Bright Smile. It's common to have some soreness in the surgical area for a day or so afterward. This was another optional upgrade. Light bleeding, swelling, tenderness, and tooth sensitivity are common immediately after LANAP. The cost of periodontal surgery varies greatly depending on the type of procedure and the severity of your disease. You want to keep your teeth and gums clean during recovery, but your dentist will likely recommend that you avoid brushing in the surgical area. When you feel able, you can progress to eating softer, mushy foods. For starters, you will need to stick to soft foods for … To make sure you're comfortable during surgery, the periodontist will most likely use a local anesthetic to numb the area of exposed gum recession. You shouldn’t really need anything stronger, but speak to your dentist if you’re concerned. The two main causes of gum recession in the study were dental plaque buildup and "faulty teeth brushing." Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment. }).start(); (function() { Your face may swell at the site of your surgery, and you may experience bruising. A multivitamin can be helpful, as well. Another option available to use is donor tissue, which means faster recovery for you. If you haven’t been offered one already, ask your dentist for a stent. A stent will protect your palate as it heals. But just because oral surgery doesn’t require an overnight stay, doesn’t mean that you can skimp on your recovery period. Receding gums can develop when the teeth are awkwardly positioned in your mouth. Recovery times for periodontal surgery will depend on the type of procedure, but most periodontists will schedule a follow-up within 1 to 2 weeks. If you’ve been using ice, likely your pain will be pretty manageable by now. It is a simple process that does not take long to do. If you’ve been using ice, likely your pain will be pretty manageable by now. It’s possible that your dentist will advise you to have surgery on several of your teeth. To optimize the healing process and to prevent complications, like infection, it's important to follow your surgeon's postoperative instructions carefully and precisely. I needed to get a series of these procedures done, and to make the most of my dental insurance coverage, I needed to get the first gum grafting surgery … Directly after your surgery and for 24-48 hours, swelling can be reduced by the application of a cold pack to your face on the part of your mouth closest to the surgical area. Whatever the cause of the gingival recession, a gum graft, which transplants tissue from one area of the mouth to another, is a common way to treat it. You’ll have probably heard stories of how painful gum grafting surgery is, but don’t let it put you off. How to Prepare for Oral … Receding gums are when the gums pull back over time and expose the roots of your teeth. While not many jump for joy at the thought of a surgical procedure, your graft doesn’t need to be a pain. A gum graft is a procedure to treat receding gums. Eat Soft Foods. Follow our 10 tips below, and recovery should be a breeze. Your dentist will likely give you antibiotics to take home, as a preventative measure. But you'll most likely feel well enough to return to your usual activity the day after surgery. token:'11b7468a5236499f8cf3952053bb91fe', gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; Why not check out the services we offer, and find out more. Start with a liquid diet for the first day or two. Receding gums can be a source of embarrassment for you if you have them, but they needn’t be. After oral surgery, there are some simple steps you can take to reduce the pain and help your mouth recover quickly. Under anesthetic, your dentist will use tissue from the roof of your mouth, or an inconspicuous area nearby. Instead, try things that are a more neutral in temperature, for the least discomfort. A study published in the Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology found that nearly 41 percent of a group of 710 participants had gingival recession. Periodontal flap surgery also known as pocket depth reduction is a surgical procedure performed by periodontists for the treatment of periodontal disease. To help keep your mouth clean without irritation, your dentist or periodontisst might prescribe a special mouthrinse. All rights reserved. It’s not exciting, but your mouth will thank you for it. A gum graft may be necessary to protect your teeth from the damaging effects of gum recession, or you may choose to have one to improve the appearance of your smile. Follow the instructions and finish the course to avoid infection after your surgery. Get a Stent to Help Prevent Bleeding. Periodontist Dr. Seibert specializes in the treatment and surgery of Periodontal Disease and the placement of Dental Implants.Procedures include Cosmetic Periodontal Surgery, Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatments, Orthodontic Periodontal Procedures, Periodontal Maintenance and Periodontal Surgery … })(); © 2018 Forest Park Dental All Rights Reserved -. Your health and safety remain our highest priority. Like the kid with braces, though, you’ll probably welcome anything that won’t hurt your teeth. Sometimes, periodontal surgery may be needed to treat certain gum diseases and conditions, such as gingivitis or periodontitis. A paper published in the Open Dentistry Journal found that eating enough of certain nutrients after periodontal procedures helped improve wound healing. LANAP Laser Gum Surgery Recovery Care – Ingenious Dentistry – Houston If you are considering LANAP surgery, it is important to make sure you know how to care for your gums and teeth … The recovery period is typically a few weeks and usually involves eating … s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s); If you've recently been told by your dentist or gum doctor (periodontist) that you need a gum graft, don't panic. Ice therapy is a great help. And what should you expect during your recovery? Although receding gums are often associated with oral problems like gum disease, it's possible to have gum recession even if you're otherwise healthy. Follow these do’s and don’ts to speed up your recovery and avoid … It's common to have some soreness in the surgical area for a day or so afterward. But if … Pain Meds. Gum disease treatments may cost between $500 and … For this reason, having one tooth grafted at a time can mean an easier process for you. In addition to vegetables, fruit provides vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin … Of course, several separate procedures will mean that this process could run on for some time. Use ice packs to minimize swelling and ease discomfort. Antibiotics to the rescue. var cx = '004260626254297564521:0n3d2kqm5oa'; You don't want to irritate or inflame the healing graft. It’s not really true. This’ll take away the tightness, and give your gums some slack so that they more than adequately cover the root of your tooth, and make your smile great again. … Avoid Exertion during your Gum Graft Recovery. They can address any questions and concerns you have about the recovery process. gcse.async = true; cid:'18bdpes0001' Have questions about your smile? A gum graft, also known as a gingival graft, can correct receding gums. The periodontist might give you a list of foods to avoid or foods to eat as you recuperate. Soft foods, such as mashed vegetables and pudding, are usually the way to go. Here's what you should know about gum grafts and gum graft recovery. If so, you’ll probably remember how painful it was that first day they went in, and then every time they were adjusted. Depending on the severity of the recession, your dentist might recommend surgery to correct it. Getting Gum Grafting Surgery. Consider adding a mouthwash to your oral health routine, such as Colgate Total Mouthwash for Gum Health, which provides advanced gum protection for 45 percent stronger, healthier gums. If you opted for a stent, you might want to wear it while eating, to make the experience more comfortable. Try sticking to soups and … Although many people who have receding gums develop them as a result of periodontal disease, gingival recession can also occur because of your family history or genes. To relieve swelling on the day of the procedure, you can place an ice pack on your cheek for … The two main types of gum graft surgeries are the gingival graft and the connective tissue graft, Paulo Camargo, D.D.S., professor and chair of the section of … While recovering from gum graft surgery, some discomfort and pain can be expected, but the pain should lessen every day. If your dentist recommends a gum graft to you, it's important to understand that it might not be due to a problem with your oral care or health. First, the periodontist might want you to stay … For every oral surgery, there is a period of recovery. As you recuperate after a gum graft, remember that your dentist is a helpful resource. Your dentist may refer you to a periodontist, a gum specialist, for this simple surgical procedure. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Antibiotics are typically prescribed to patients after gum surgery to … Older participants were more likely to have receding gums than younger participants, and men were more likely than women to have recession. It is crucial that you follow your oral surgeon’s post-surgery … var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; Required fields are marked *. But don’t brush the site of your gum grafting surgery. Fruits. var gcse = document.createElement('script'); Experience modern dentistry with a soft touch. During a gingival flap surgery the gum tissue is pulled away from teeth to allow the dentist to gain access and clear the tooth root and bone surfaces inside the periodontal … After the surgery, you will return home and rest so the area heals. There will be less soreness and faster healing in the long-run. While some individuals are more sensitive to surgery than others, there are many ways you can help your body to recover, and reduce the pain. Recovery after gum graft surgery: tips to speed healing A beautiful smile requires healthy teeth and gums. HGPESB.customize({ We have proactively added extended measures to further protect and ensure that you can receive your dental health care without fear or apprehension during these changing times of COVID-19, Important Tips for Recovering From Gum Grafting Surgery. No strenuous exercise for 2 weeks after your surgery, okay? During the recovery period, … Some swelling may be present the day after the surgery and may peak at 48-72 hours after surgery. What’s involved in gum grafting surgery, though? Soups and stews are a good option; if you can drink it through a straw, initially, even better. Receding gums can happen for many reasons including genetics, poor dental hygiene, over-zealous dental hygiene (overbrushing), and age. Liked what you read? For example, the researchers found that boosting vitamin D intake during recovery may reduce inflammation. Unfortunately, you’ll have to make the same sacrifice initially, after your gum grafting surgery. With the introduction of gingival graft surgery or gum grafting surgery, there’s now a way to get back the smile you loved, and prevent further oral issues. Your dentist will open up the tissue at the exposed part of your tooth, and graft, or attach, the oral tissue to your gums. The best method for cold pack application is to use them intermittently every 15 minutes. But if you need a little extra help, then use some over-the-counter medication. This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics. In this instance, bear in mind that post-surgery discomfort and recovery time will be greater. Cold liquids are important for reducing swelling, … Unlike accidents that need emergency treatment, receding gums can be simply unavoidable, in some cases. Gum surgery sounds worse than it is. © YYYY Colgate-Palmolive Company.