Lorke's method … These agents are associated with used widely in the Nigerian ecoregions; industrially, emergence delirium (e.g., anxiousness, vocalization, sandpaper leaves are used in woods polishing [3]. This research investigated the use of Ficus exasperata extract as corrosion inhibitor on mild steel in seawater. Ficus exasperata is a plant found in the tropics and sub-tropics region and it has been found to improve glucose in tolerance as assessed by glucose index (Taiwo et al., 2010). Different parts of the plant are used for treating eye-sores, ring worm, stom-ach pains and treating leprosy[3-5]. Ficus exasperata leaves were collected from Ikeji-Arakeji forest and identified by a botanist in the Department of Plant Science, Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Ikeji-Arakeji. 2. Materials and methods Collection and extraction of plant material Fresh leaves of Ficus exasperata were collected in March 2009 from Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria and Osun State. Extraction of the leaves with hexane (using a Soxhlet extractor set at 40°C) produced the hexane extract (H1) (19.23 g). Effects of the extracts on inducible expression of mediators of inflam-mation by murine macrophages were also assessed. Ficus exasperata hexane bark extract (FEBH) (98 mg), the Ficus exasperata ethyl acetate bark extract (FEBE) (86 mg) and the Ficus exasperata methanol bark extract (FEBM) (70 mg). The leaves are referred to as ewe epin in Yoruba. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2. In Nigeria there are over 45 different species of Ficus (Keay, 1964), such as Ficus glomosa, Ficus lecardi, Ficus goliath, Ficus capensis, Ficus Atropine 2.5 mg and chlorpheniramine 2.5 mg significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the hypotensive effects of the extract at the tested doses. (Hallan, 1999; Abbiw, 1990). Due to its F. exasperata leaf extracts in rodent models. The leaf extract from F. exasperata is used for the treatment of various diseases. genus is distinguished by its highly characteristic fruits and often recognized by the milky juice, the min - ute unisexual flowers often arranged on various shaped Ficus exasperata popularly known as sand paper tree (due to its rough surfaces) is an important medicinal plant in Africa used traditionally for treating asthma, dyspnea, high blood pressure, rheumatoid, arthritis, ulcer and diabetes. Ficus . streams. This study was carried out to assess the acute toxicity as well as the LD50 of Ficus exasperata Vahl in male Wistar albino rats. Ficus exasperata; is used for treatment of skin infections, cough and hemorrhoids, peptic ulcers, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and antinociceptive properties as well as in enhancing proper functioning of uterine smooth muscles and hypertensive effect (Ughachukwu et al. The . Ficus exasperata Vahl (Moraceae) is an important medicinal plant with a wide geographical distribution in Africa particularly in Nigeria. Ficus exasperata. Ficus exasperata is a medicinal plant referred to as “sand paper plant” (“Ewe ipin” in Yoruba language of Western Nigeria). Ficus exasperata Plant Extract (FEPE) The Ficus exasperata plant extract was collected from Omu-Aran community sun-dried in open sunlight for about a week, and then milled into powder. 2012). Pharmacognosy and hypotensive evaluation of Ficus exasperata... 545 The mean arterial pressure dropped by 27.2 ± 2.1 and 38.3 ± 0.6 mmHg after administration of 20 and 30 mg/kg of the extract, respectively. 1. Ficus exasperata is the botanical name of a small to medium sized tree that grows widely in Africa and Asia which is commonly referred to as sandpaper leaf tree. Ficus likely the most widely used class of anesthetics in vet- exasperata is a well-known tree with very rough leaves erinary medicine [1]. The plant material of Ficus exasperata leaves were air-dried under shade for three weeks and blended into powder using an industrial blender. is a well-known tree with very rough leaves used widely in the Nigerian ecoregions; industrially, sandpaper leaves are used in woods polishing [3]. The leaves are also used like sandpaper to scrub pots and cooking utensils.