I have a boyfriend who I love so much but he started acting weired and now he is asking for space and time what should i do because I think I am loosing him and I love him and I don’t want to loose him, We have the same problem. I find myself constantly wanting to speak to her about our situation, which I know is the wrong thing to do, but I find it so hard. She tells me that she can see herself being alone and sees us being together forever this is what she must work through. Whenever i dont text him, he would text me once a day or once in 2 days. Typically, when your partner would want to break up you will have full warning signs before this happens. I need space.” My husband looked like he was suffocating. During those months prior to January she was trying to hold onto the relationship. You always said be before. Proper clearance is ½-1 inch on the sides and top as well as 1-2 inches in the back. Hi ive been in a long distance relationship. She wanted to discuss which I dismissed. According to experts, a few zodiac signs are more likely to have this free, independent spirit. He practically lived with me and we had just spent the weekend together up at the lake. Can’t do this anymore. I’m not the type to need space from my boyfriend when I’m feeling down. While you’re apart, a crucial goal for you to aim for is to change your mindset about your relationship. Here's what 14 men think it means when a guy says he needs space or time: 1. “There has to be a context for how this was said to give you a useful answer. But without happiness there is no love, right? Currently am in a relationship but he traveled to UK.so hez working there and living there as we get along great 5 months so fine.and understanding each other.when am going through a hard time he encourages me and I do the same too but just suddenly yesterday.I checked my Facebook account in a long time,he posted something .I just liked and commented.then I got back to work after a lunch break ..on finishing work I got to my phone to check on him and how his was doing,on seeing.he had blocked me on Facebook,I felt disturbed in my mind and confused why he did that,I sent him some texts on WhatsApp,he just ignored my texts all day and later said,sorry I need space at the moment ..I feel confused,thoughtful and depressed…what should I do? She says I forced her to care for me. better to talk about it and then try to understand so you can come up with a better solution. Hey Samuel. This is your biggest strength right now. but i won’t wish it happens to me, ever! Besides, he was uncertain if we’ll ever be together in the future (as in place). My boyfriend doesn’t give me that much time these days which he used to give earlier. Hi It might seem mean or cruel from the outside, but from his perspective he’s actually doing this FOR you. Best, Recently i hurt him that caused him to pull himself away. Me and my wife have been married for 13 years and have 4 children (13,11,7 and 5) in July she told me that she didn't think out marriage was a good thing. Nothing good was going to come out of things if i tried to solve things then and there. It was a hard process but it has been 4 weeks, and no substances and i have lost 35 lbs and damn near have a 6 pack. Also, I would encourage you to book a session with one of our coaches if you need more guidance. How long space I need to give him for fixing himself? Couples need time alone to “recharge” and bring out their best for each other if they want a great relationship. I’m devastated. When I called her, she didn't want to have dinner or talk, was being cold and ignored me for like an hour (while on the phone) and then hung up. No woman wants to initiate the space-giving conversation, and it is completely normal to not pay any attention to the signs that he gives off. Then we had a chat where she said she feels lonely and that she'd rather spend it alone and have quality time alone than be with someone who doesn't fill that void and she feels like giving up. I hope you were able to talk to your wife about your guys’ future. I need space.” My husband looked like he was suffocating. A week goes by I’m now I’m totally a wreck. Space does not mean break up. I'm sorry you're going through this..I'd hope by now you'd be ok in life and in love.i wish u the best & I hope things go well for you...u don't deserve anything but happiness...take care doll. She can sleep over a couple nights a week and I can crash her place once in a while, but I just don’t feel eager to share my entire living space to someone.” – Bennie, 30. I went thru what you went thru . But even if this is understood to include outer space, it still does not specify that mankind is not to go there—it means that God rules over this realm. good thing i saw this post today. #1 He falls off the grid. I have been meditating and speaking with a counselor to work out the issues I have been having. Wishing you the best, She can sleep over a couple nights a week and I can crash her place once in a while, but I just don’t feel eager to share my entire living space to someone.” – Bennie, 30. The best way to make a man invested and committed to a relationship is to bring your best “you” into the relationship – inspiring him to bring his best self and make the relationship as good as it can be. She thinks I used her, took her for granted & took her patience for granted too & expected her to pay all the bills on her own-(NOT including my own personal bills). My anxiety doesn’t leave me at ease. I left & went to stay with family for almost a month. But if your schedules conspire so that you can only spend a little time with each other, but that time is amazing – anyone can see that you have a great relationship. Learn how to fall in love with yourself. Please help me. we’ve been through some issues and he has problems w/ his family now. She appears to be totally happy with him. They did not have a good relationship for over a decade due to family matters. Apollonia. Although I completely understand you, if he’s worth you, he’d never give you a reason to worry! Because he’s the one who requested space, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking he’s a prize that you won, and now you’re going to lose it. Over the years we have had petty fights, and I guess a lot is to do with my own insecurities as an individual. When a basketball player or a ballerina fail and didn’t do well during their first round, they might be upset, sad, disappointed but they don’t want to fail again because there ends prize is more significant than their pain or disappointment so they focus on how they can get better on the future. If you still love your partner do the best to show up by focusing on fixing the things that were damaged. If you want to move forward slowly and try to repair your marriage please read this article. Every once in a while, YOU take some space before he does. But unsure this time.. We were in the midst of a disagreement about dishes (always dishes! Sending good vibes. Soul searching is different from finding a soul mate. Many guys need time by themselves (or at least time away from a woman) in order to figure out how they really feel. At the beginning, it was hard for me because I took it personal. What should I do? It’s just going to take time, practice and patience to really look deep within yourself to see exactly how to take control and fix this so your partner will want to be with you non-stop. I hope this is true. I’m totally conflicted. You can. Pls help. I have broken up with her twice now. If he is always there for you, helping you get over what you need to get over, then you can bet your bottom dollar he is in love with you. Maybe you cheated on your partner, caught in a lie, or say you’re going to change a habit and never do. I’m taking this time to work on myself because i’m at fault for how I was with him with my attitude. Instead, she may say something along the lines of, “I just need some space to find myself again,” or, “I just need a little space to think things over for a while,” suggesting that she’s not intending to break up with him, but she wants to create a little more distance between them for a … Even though I convinced that I really will be there with him eventually. Was I too nice? my ex once asked me for some space and i totally freaked out. This is great!!! At one point he was going to say something but changed his mind. Thing is, he’s still with his ex when he’s home, and hasn’t really been able to work things out because he’s not home. thanks for your advice, i think i need to really listen to you this time and let him have the space he needs :(, consider his reasons and his needs. Bring her back a single red rose with a little note on it and say “I’m dedicated to getting our love back. Apollonia. I have tried everything. All I’ve been doing is crying day in and day out. Hi I am currently into a relationship and I hurt him so much that cause him to ask for a space what should I do? 6. “My ex and I both used to work from home. However, if after weeks and months, your ex does not even bother to ‘ seenzone ’ your messages on Messenger, and s/he never pick up even if you call every day, then it is clear the person does not want to communicate with you anymore. Sharing is caring, but not everyone feels comfortable laying their whole life out on the table for their partner to pick over with a fine-toothed comb. But my problem now is that, how am I going to have him back, because I have talk too much, I don't no how am to do it, I really want my man back as soon as possible. Must I call him at night/morning?? March 2020. Instead, I suggest you look at yourself and see how you can show up better through your actions and self-development. Finally the beginning of March 2019, I started Cymbalta along with Humira injections & finally feeling more & more like myself after being diagnosed w/an auto immune disease, RA & ankylosing spondylitis & awaiting disability. We have satellites chasing satellites. I got cheated on and he said he love me but he needed space it was just hard to not be mad and not say hurtful stuff. If you really want something, you will commit to it, and the only way you commit to it is if it’s in YOUR best interest for yourself. Dec 1, 2019 - Faith Grant Life Blogs Explains Does He Need Space Or Is It Over? Your mood is what controls your vibe, and your vibe controls how everyone around you reacts to you. 3 Signs A Leo Man Is Playing You And 4 Ways To Get Over It - 99 Zodiac Reads. If the need requires physical space such as a corner of a room, a desk, a chair, etc., then work together to create this physical space. I feel like I can console him and be affectionate with him. Alone time away from our everything that is our daily thing is the best way to recuperate. She acts like I don’t deserve to live here when all my stuff is here & I moved to this state to be with her & closer to her & her job. To get real results with women NOW! "I dunno," and "It means she's having an affair" are two of the dumbest answers ever.Actually, you need to get new guy friends, and ask your female friends why they weren't being honest with you. I'm so glad you enjoyed my article! I care for her very much. Here is where thousands of couples go wrong! You’re here because the man you want said he needs space. I hope this article helps you figure out what to do when he asks for space. I even asked to be best friends but then he replied he needed some time.. I’m going thru this right now after 2 years together. They were actually really great guys but I wasn’t used it. During the time that she is needing space and not talking to you at all and giving you the idea of breaking up after a couple weeks or months, then it’s my advice to you to try your hardest to move on and be open to future possibilities. Don’t tie him to you like that. Next day, I sent a good morning text to which I've gotten no reply and tried calling her later in the day to which I was sent to a busy tone so I didn't contact her for the entire day. Right now, me and my girlfriend are going through a rough patch. Are you doing something wrong? He cheated on me. She’s asking for space, so give her space. I would really take this time to work on and improve the things you want in your life. We had a talk on it before and resolved it but then it happened again and this time he wants space, he said he wants me to understand what he means by feeling suffocated and we both need time! I basically said that my message was me reaching out to sort this and that it'll only work if she reached back out too. Now, listen carefully: what you do after he asks you for space is super important. more: Why Men Fall In Love And Why Men Leave “Perfect” Women, Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “Is He Losing Interest” Quiz right now and find out if he’s really losing interest in you…. This is something new! :-) https://www.apolloniaponti.com/private-coaching/ one guy may use the pretense of needing space because he is betraying his gf and is seeing someone else.in that case waiting for such a guy is complete nonsense.the other one may have mental issues that prevent him from commitment at all.the third guy may really feel a bit pushed by his gf, in this case there may be a ‘happy-end ‘although i disrespect guys who run away instead of using the direct confrontation.those men don’t have respect for women.and finally guy nr.4 might want’space’ (like a guy i dated)because he is running away for good for everything he said was a lie.his job was a lie.his family history was a lie.even his height was a lie that i was dumb enough not to notice.so why the heck should anyone wait for such freaks?