This results to my mind in some rather uncomfortable movements to shape your major and minor keys on B system, going against the natural radiating shape of the fingers on the hands. Luciano Echo 4 B System Chromatic Accordion/Bayan 120 Bass. This allows for a greater range of notes, with the treble keyboard holding approximately 4+ octaves. A few special easy to remember technical terms are used to make this description easier. £32.00 postage. It is difficult to use the thumb on inner rows also because it will tend to catch on the row(s) closer to the outside. So you would only have the duplicated C row to remember as an extra. That is how I feel it anyway and if you can identify this feeling you will know. Lancashire 3 Treble couplers. 3562 - Certified Pre-Owned Black Scandalli 242 Chromatic Button Accordion Converter B LM 77 96. Riding a bike comes to mind without quite the same bruises, Find more music stuff from the website founder on Facebook My Facebook Page, And visit my playing sites for General music and Wedding Speciality. If you look at any major chord shape for example if you start on the bottom row with D you will have to skip a row to find F# and A to make up your D major chord while a D minor chord of D F and A involves a rather uncomfortable hand shape. Mimicking the layout of Hohner's iconic chromatic button accordions (CBA), both B-System (Bayan) and C-System, this intuitive virtual accordion is easy to play and sounds exactly like the real instrument. As on a piano accordion as you go down away from your shoulders towards your toes the pitch goes up. This is how I play a scale of C on my 5 row chromatic button #accordion. The main chords in turn provide this mini-tune jsut from major arpeggios. All aspects of technique from 106/64×120/58. The instrument has extremely high-quality individually sampled notes from a real instrument and a very fast, responsive button board for playing melodies and chords. Obviously Free Bass feels more natural if you are already using the same systemon the right hand with a chromatic accordion. £2,250.00. The Treble keyboard is usually either C-System or B-System – with the notes arranged in a slightly different order on the keyboard with C being in the first row of the C-System and the third row of the B-System. Piano accordion, diatonic, chromatic, b-system, c-system, bayan, squeezebox, button accordion . The SUBDOMINANT, is the note or chord immediiately BELOW the KEYNOTE. 72 treble buttons in 5.. £899 . For two rows back (row minus 2) go one row forward. You will notice many chromatic players appear not to use the thumb and often deliberately hold it tight against the edge of the keyboard so they cannot use it. A 72 bass or a 96 bass can have the same number of right hand notes as a 120 bass piano accordion. The third row is the only one to contain B D F# A and the first and second rows have C D#/Eb F# A and C#/Db E G Bb/A#As the diminished 7th is a series of minor 3rds these will be between the first and second notes and in the same row in a minor chord which has the minor 3rd underneath or on the 2nd and 3rd notes up a row in a major chord.In a normal 7th chord you have three buttons together on the upper row in a minor 7th two of each paired together.It takes some working out how to describe which is which of the diagonal movements for moving a while tone eg C to D or a semitone like C to Db. $4,999.00. (Please email us for a delivery quote to none UK destinations). With C system the probably more comfortable diagonal with the wrist higher than the fingers is full tones the other slightly twisted or more tucked in angle is semitones. £217.57. Most people tend to play only 3 rows at a time, the outer ones which I will explain later. These instruments are decidedly chromatic and neutral by design (the Major scale is not built in). The accordion is an ideal demonstrator with its Stradella bass for showing this. I did this mainly to add to the chromatic page of An attempt to explain the basic moves of chromatic button accordion C system which is the system where c is in the outer row of the treble keyboard. "Chromatic Button Accordion Chords" is an essential tool for understanding the chromatic button accordion (c-system or b-system) and displays or plays simple and complex jazz chords on the button-board for all keys. Chromatic Accordion Method for C-System By Elsbeth Moser A well organized, thorough approach to the button (chromatic) accordion, in a big 96-page book which covers beginner to advanced accordionist requirements. not sure what brand this is - logo is very difficult to make out as the picture shows - looks like dp to the fron. Famous Crucianelli C system Continental button accordion with a great sound. In either the C System or the B System  each vertical row gives you a diminished 7th chords which in three rows from covers all possible notes. The next part of the minor chord is found as the larger movement towards the next row. The following short video shows a tune which includes mostly first inversion major arpeggio shapes at the beginning of most of the lines of music. 11 watching. 5 rows. I think you will be able to work out how it would feel using the top three rows by adjusting your field of view on this diagram! Erich Von Hornbostel and Curt Sachs categorize it as a free reed aerophone in their classification of instruments, published in 1914. The instrument has extremely high-quality individually sampled notes from a real instrument and a very fast, responsive button board for playing melodies and chords. $3,880.00 $2,185.00. But there are a lot more C players to help you in the original European countries, though B system in Eastern Europe and Russia. If you are continuing to the next tone or semitone for example. A chromatic (twelve notes per octave) accordion with a right-hand keyboard of three to five rows of round buttons. Chromatic accordion (bayan) Skype live lessons for all ages and levels The Canarino is only available.. £399 . Thumb use is slightly discouraged on chromatic treble, some of the fastest most free flowing passages are played on 2, 3, 4, and 5 only. 62 Treble buttons. It has a range of 52 treble notes, ranging from C, clarinet selected, (C below middle C to G, an octave higher than the G on a 37 key piano accordion). With C system from the outside first row through to the inside 5th row you have in this order. Unlike the folk style button accordions on chromatic you have enough buttons for every note and do not have to worry about them varying with bellows direction. It is worth looking at the bright yellow buttons even if nothing else but you can come back to this full diagram later when you are ready, with no detriment. Brand New 5 Rows Bayan Tula 209 B-system Stradella, Russian Chromatic Button Accordion, High-class Musical Instrument, Bn-49-3, 5 Row 100 Bass Welcome to musical workshop "Harmony": Our licensed musical workshop "Harmony" … ; The "quint" free-bass system invented by Willard Palmer – later patented by Titano, has extra bass rows to extend the existing bass arrangement of the Stradella system. Apparently one of the justifications for this is to make semitone runs easier, but in my view in any tune (except possibly some Eastern European ones where some use B system) there are more tones than semitones. You can for example also find a Major 3rd on alternate buttons of the opposing diagonal row, containing the full tone distances. DESCRIPTIVE TERMINOLOGY OF SYSTEMS - WHICH IS WHICH? TONIC or KEY NOTE CHORD The main name note for the key you are in like C if you are in the key of C, G if you are in G and so on. $4,499.00 $5,999.00. . You may notice that your left and right hand are mirror images of each other! This gives you a better feel for what is going on and makes most movements, especially chord and arpeggio based moves, easier. The thumb is sometimes necessary but more difficult to use on the inner rows as it comes in at a flat angle, not punching from above as with the other fingers. Up for sale is a Hohner Atlanta 145, chromatic C system, musette tuned, accordion. Something you do not understand on this site? B System starts with D F G#/Ab which is the only row which has three out of the four different notes as white notes and only one black note, the row including C is obviously next, then C# then D (which is the B row again) and so on. The Hohner Chromatic Accordion has a 52-button … MENGASCINI Chromatic accordion (Bayan) Model: BAJAN Melody Bass Series (Custom built) Serial#: 588 Year of built: 2008 Made in Castelfidardo, Italy HIGH RESOLUTION IMAGES AND VIDEO SAMPLES CAN BE PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. Accordion Accordina "HAVANE2" JOSEPH CARREL Accordeon Akkordeon Fisarmonica NEW. NOTICE THAT NO SPECIFIC SCALES ARE QUOTED. Erich Von Hornbostel and Curt Sachs categorize it as a free reed aerophone in their classification of instruments, published in 1914. Along with playing Anglo Concertina and B/C box, I became absolute enamoured with the C-System chromatic button accordion about a year ago after a friend loaned me one for a week. When you are looking for D# it takes a moment or two to realise that it is the same as the  Eb right in front of you on the first row! … Chromatic accordions are not to be confused with diatonic accordions, such as melodeons and more types which are designed to play inside particular specified keys rather than cover any possible key modulations. Folk Chromatic Button Accordion, Bayan 100 bass, made in Russia, incl. It will be likely to be C system free bass, but this is far from being a hard and fast ule. UK mainland  delivery! $3,499.00. Chromatic accordions still have the stradella bass system that you are used to. ... Red Polish C System. For people who only have 3 row chromatic C systems or have a phobia about moving onto the 4th and 5th rows here are major scale note patterns for using the first 3 rows only. Using the built-in note guide, you will quickly learn the notes on the treble side of the B-System Chromatic Button Accordion (Bayan) and be playing songs in no time! Famous Crucianelli C system Continental button accordion with a great sound. The button diagonals that are in line with your fingers are chromatically arranged, and this could be useful for those who like to play Balkan music; or, for technically challenging music that contains a lot of chromatic passages. This is not necessary as you can start on any button for getting different scales. PRODUCT. . Here to help you visualise the keyboard in a different way here is a diagram focussing on the middle 3 rows. You may be wondering which type is right for you! The chromatic button accordions come mainly in two different versions: B-system and C-system. Berkshire, SL5 0DJ, Content, images & video copyright 2017 to Electronic Accordions Ltd – Privacy Policy, Royal Standard ‘B’ System Button accordion. Free delivery and returns on eligible orders. Our most popular models are in the continental chromatic C system and chromatic B system accordions are favoured by some classical players. Button accordian, Continental chromatic "B" system Button accordian, it is of mother-of-pearl in colour. In a 5 row chromatic, two additional rows repeat the first 2 rows to facilitate options in fingering. 4 sets of OL16 1NZ, Verve House In a 5 row chromatic, two additional rows repeat the first 2 rows to facilitate options in fingering. German made chromatic button accordion with ‘B’ system treble buttons & Stradella bass/chord buttons. You cannot always look of course, nor should you, so it is customary to mark for touch all the Cs  and all the Fs on the chromatic accordion. Click on an im… In the C system there is only one B row and in the B system only one C row. 4 voices. Even if you play strictly by ear, you will likely profit from knowing this basic information. There are also some rarer national variations with the C row in a C system starting in the third row but this is fairly rare. And some of the moves are a little awkward which might make using at least one additional row a good idea. Chromatic accordions have a Treble keyboard that is made up of buttons instead of piano keys. Aidi 69 96 7 2 B system. Double Octave tuning(LMMH). £1,175.00. Weight 14.9 kg. The movements are very nice to do once you get really into it. Chromatic button Accordions (called Bayans in the Russian states), are hardly known in the United States, but they’re very popular in … Notice how this keeps the principle of the same direction of travel for up and down as up being a right hand move for your hand and down is moving to the left as on a piano style keyboard. Despite the markings on the keyboard this instrument was set to C system. Chromatic Accordion Method for C-System By Elsbeth Moser A well organized, thorough approach to the button (chromatic) accordion, in a big 96-page book which covers beginner to advanced accordionist requirements. Always double-check the system when buying a chromatic accordion. If you watch expert musicians you will notice their hands appear to hardly move, because they are already where they will need to be. Rochdale NB The C system Free Bass works exactly the same across 4 rows on a convertor system, but in order that the fingering is the same the notes are in the opposite direction. Treble side: - “B” system - 101 treble keys - 61 notes - 5 rows - 7 chin switches - 15 treble switches SPECIAL REMINDER IF YOU RUN OUT OF ROWS - APPLIES TO ALL THESE EXAMPLES, THIS WILL HAPPEN SOMETIMES BUT ALWAYS TO THREE ROW PLAYERS STARTING FROM 2ND OR 3RD ROW, To GO UP TO an imaginary 6th row that is not there GO BACK TWO ROWS towards the outside of the accordion to find the note you want, To GO UP TO an imaginary 7th row GO BACK JUST ONE ROW, SIMILARLY FOR FINDING AN INTERVAL THAT YOU KNOW GOING FURTHER TO OUTSIDE WHEN YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE FIRST ROW, For one row back (row minus 1) go two rows forward. Using the built-in note guide, you will quickly learn the notes on the treble side of the